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Master Class con Fanny Ardant

El Departamento de Estudios Cinematográficos de la Universidad Americana de París, invita a la Master Class con Fanny Ardant, el martes 1º de diciembre a las 20, en La Pagode (57, rue de Babylone, Paris 7éme). Ampliaremos.
Film Studies Master Class with Fanny Ardant


Lisa dijo…
As always; why am I not in Paris...
Agggg, I'm in Paris in my dreams!
jasmine dijo…
It is almost unbearable. It's designed to make me crazy....however, I'm still so delighted to hear about it. What a marvelous opportunity....Love the way I think I'm going to get out of FaceBook, it is also making me a little crazy. I don't know three-quarters of the people on it and I can contribute so little. I think you need to be very young to love it....And what is this stuff about Fanny becoming a mother? No way...don't even think about something this outrageous. She has a wonderful life as it is...Marakesh???? Goodness....
Lisa dijo…
Yes, facebook is a little crazy (in fact there are aspects about it that I dislike a lot) and it's impossible to try to keep up with everything that people are posting... I don't care that much, I'm not looged in very often. Anyway, I belive it's not Fanny, but her oldest daugther who is becoming a mother. (Although that's maybe too much to think about as it is...)
Anónimo dijo…
Hi Girls:
Fanny is grandmother again, her daughter lumir has a child, a boy..thats the new i read it.

jasmine dijo…
Yeah, that's what I heard and it makes so much sense. It's easy for me to imagine her as a grandmother because I'm so much older, but I swear I thought someone was thinking it was her! Yikes!!!! I'm still moaning over the Master Class. Oh, kisses and hugs which I wish we could share with Fanny. Glad you're understanding Lisa about rattles me...Is there a Swedish word for "rattles"? Means it knocks me out...

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El 7 de junio, Fanny Ardant en el casamiento de su hija mayor, Lumir, en la Iglesia Saint-Jacques du Haut-Paus

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Harto ya de alabar tu piel dorada, tus externas y muchas perfecciones, canto al jardín azul de tus pulmones y a tu tráquea elegante y anillada. Canto a tu masa intestinal rosada, al bazo, al páncreas, a los epiplones, al doble filtro gris de tus riñones y a tu matriz profunda y renovada. Canto al tuétano dulce de tus huesos, a la linfa que embebe tus tejidos, al acre olor orgánico que exhalas. Quiero gastar tus vísceras a besos, vivir dentro de ti con mis sentidos... Yo soy un sapo negro con dos alas. Baldomero Fernández Moreno


De tal madre, tal hija