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Feliz Día de la Madre en Argentina...

Hoy, tercer domingo de octubre, es el Día de la Madre en Argentina. En tal ocasión, aprovecho para saludar a todas las madres argentinas, especialmente a la mía, Lila, y a todas las madres del mundo...
Muchas Gracias a Fotografías de Scalphunterfire


Anónimo dijo…
¡FELIZ DIA DE LA MADRE! A todas las hermosas mamás del mundo. A la mía, que estará por siempre en mi corazón.
Mily, la de la foto ¿es Fanny?. Calculo que sí, pero... es raro verla así, ¿no?.

Besotes Ardantes!
Aniiii !!!!

Coucou Ani!

Sí, feliz día a todas nuestras amadas madres, queridas e idolatradas por nosotras. Y, por supuesto, a la GRAN ANNINA, tu divina madre q por siempre estará presente en tu corazón.

Sí, la de la foto es Fanny junto a su hijita, creo que es la más grande, Lumir, pero no estoy segura. Qué linda foto, no?

Cambió el horario en Argentina, viste? tenemos ahora dos horarios. Uno para el este y otro para el oeste. Hoy dormí una hora menos. Al despertarme pensé que era temprano y era re tarde. Uf...

Abrazote Ardante!!
Anónimo dijo…
Fanny with her grandchild?

The idea came to my mind when I blog here


Happy Mother's day ^^
Ooohhh Jerocca, yes what beautiful idea, FA with her grandchild...

Recently I find the new message of Webber in his blog! he said that will write news about Visages.

Un abrazote
Anónimo dijo…
Hola chicas, Mily, sólo quería comentar que el cambio de horario me tiene más cansada. No sé si es psicológico o qué, pero es así. Tengo mucho sueño.

Besos Ardantes adormecidos...!
Anónimo dijo…
oh ! Is it FA ? Sure sure sure ? In Paris ?
And..with her grandchild ? But not Manon hm, cause she has just one month ...?!!? and FA wasn't grandma before her so...don't know whhoo is this little lucky mini girl ?!!

Kisses ardantes, kiss mini girl with FA !

ps : QUIERO VOLVER TO America del suuuuud!
ps 2 : Some news of coco in paris ?
Anónimo dijo…
Clearly somebody got head but not me which means he/she obvisous more than 1 month ^^

Maybe a good pre-shoot of future Fanny n her grandchild lol

Poor Anita...its lazy bug bothering you coz the spring is coming or...( but I do remember we got the same season which mean the fall / winter is in our zone )

take good care of yourself somehow

Ardatnes gonna set Lili to say hi to Coco face to face

Good job

Where's Carmen? where's Cris? where's Coco?

Manon is one month age, jajaja and it's imposible that is... here with her grandmother...


I want to request a favor: please come back to Sudamérica very soon !! when do you think return to this site of planete!?

chuiks for all the ardantes...
Anónimo dijo…
Jerocca, we have spring now here. My problem is that we had to advance one hour the clocks to save electrical energy (they robbed one hour to us!, but... ok, they give back it to us in March). I'm tired!! I want my hour baaaack!

Kisses Ardantes!
Girls Ardantes!

Who's will go to casting "Visages"?

Anónimo dijo…
Hola Mili

My Spanish is very minimal so I'm writing in English. I think that dear little baby may be Joesphine. she has dark hair and both Lumir and Baladine have light brown hair. I would love to see a picture of Fanny with her new granddaughter.Alos it would be great to see a photo of Fanny and all three of her daughters together.

I love this blog Mili


Welcome!!! Merci bien for your commentary. Very nice!!.

And thanks for detail... yes, now that you say me, I think that the baby next to Fanny is Josephine... Aha, yes...

Bien sur, I would like to see a photo of Fanny with her three babies and her dear grandchild Manon too!! Can you imagine this photo???

What's is your native language?

Un abrazo very big ;)
Anónimo dijo…
Carmen/coco n cris are gone for vacation together and probably doing the casting of " Visages" in Paris also ( part of their schedule)

N tks the lazy bug of spring drive Ani/Mily into all ENGLISH thinking

3babiesofFanny...yeah...we can go on the stories of " by telling thepicture " series ^皿^.with the passion of Fanny and all Ardantes


ps..Tks God my TV is back on track ( with all the channals...shy)
Jajaja, yes sure, the girls are gone to the casting and they forgot to us!!

Your TVis back on track with all the channels? why, what happen? I want to sharing your happiness!!

Vivan por siempre Les Ardantes! ;)
Anónimo dijo…
Mily 007

coz FEW weeks ago,my tv lost almost 50 % of channels coz crazy typhoons ( I guess so...the cable line...or something)

Just thoght it will be better by itself which mean after the season of typhoon

And I did check ( I learn how to during my college life..jajaja) the line / connection and the result was fine...

The signal is back after the professional tv guy today ^^

Its werid to see all channels without " snow " signal now...jaja...

Actually no tv life might be a good things coz no need to watch those wars of words between politicians

Rather to see IL DIVO by Fanny

Love u
Anónimo dijo…
Mily 007

coz FEW weeks ago,my tv lost almost 50 % of channels coz crazy typhoons ( I guess so...the cable line...or something)

Just thoght it will be better by itself which mean after the season of typhoon

And I did check ( I learn how to during my college life..jajaja) the line / connection and the result was fine...

The signal is back after the professional tv guy today ^^

Its werid to see all channels without " snow " signal now...jaja...

Actually no tv life might be a good things coz no need to watch those wars of words between politicians

Rather to see IL DIVO by Fanny

Love u

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