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Fanny Ardant participó del Présent Composé del Théâtre National de l'Odeon de Paris, el 26 de abril de 2009...

Fanny Ardant estuvo participando de la Saison, del Présent Composé, del Théâtre National de l'Odeon de París, el día 26 de abril de 2009.


Jerocca dijo…
Dear M

That's what Ardatnes for ^^
Tonight we stay " tuned" on where?

Cannes alive ^^

pm pm my heart




busy beeeeeeeeee FA

lovely lovely black eyeglasses

ME wanna have a pair the same 2
Ani dijo…
Like my glasses!!!

Che, no puedo ubicar el Festival de Cannes en ningún canal...
¿Dónde lo pasarán?

Besos Ardantes!
Dear J

I look for the channel where Cannes Festival is...


my heart pum pum too

Today, I believe that Fanny isn't in Cannes... but we must in alert

TV5 Monde for Argentina?

Yes, I love too her glasses for read

Good luck!!!
thaïs dijo…
I'm terribly sorry to ask, but how sexy can a person be? I mean, doesn't this woman know any limits?!? *dies*
Jerocca dijo…

she doesn't know a bit...but we did ^^ ( jajaja)


Like yours ...lovely ^^

We all count on Mily 007 agent lol

............................ring ring ring

sleepyyyyyyyyyyy Jerocca @TW
12:03 AM

May 14 2009
thaïs dijo…
I tried to find the pics without the watermarks. Impossible. :(
thaïs dijo…
Oh, and she was reading German Philosophy. ;)
Aha girls!

Yes, I can't find any pics without watermarks...


I love when Fanny is in black ♥
Lisa dijo…
No, that's right, this woman doesn't know any limits what so ever. Clearly so! German philosophy?! (Well, some of it is quite all right, but I remember when I had to write an exam paper about Husserl and Heidegger. The professor was pleased. Two weeks later, I did not understand my own writing...)
thaïs dijo…
She read Peter Sloterdijk. I don't know his work. She seems to like it. :)
Ah, que bueno saber esto. Muy buen dato señora Thaïs! Merci bien!

Peter Sloterdijk? No lo conocía. Ahora mismo me pongo a investigar sobre la obra de este señor. Una tiene que cultivarse también, vió? ja!

thaïs dijo…
El nombre del evento fue «Il faut être déchiré par quelque chose qui nous dépasse pour penser», una citación del señor, pero todavía no sé de qué libro.
jasmine dijo…
Hello Women of the world, you know what is just lovely is that you adore the true Fanny Ardant, not the one whose pictures have been retouched. She is perfection and that fact that so many of you young women are attracted to her speaks volumes. So how does this happen and what sets her apart? Thank you Mily...I add always my deep appreciation for your extraordinary efforts on our behalf. Be still my beating heart!
Hello my dear Jasmine!

I never forget you!

Un abrazo fuerte from my heart
jasmine dijo…
Me, too, dear Mily...lovely, lovely, lovey place to visit early in the a.m.
Lisa dijo…
Peter Sloterdijk... never heard of him before. I looked him up very quickly now... maybe I should give German philosophy another try. :)Thanks, Thaïs!

Jasmine... you are right, we "adore the true Fanny Ardant, not the one whose pictures have been retouched" -- who can explain it, really? It is some kind of magic.
thaïs dijo…
Of course she's as beautiful as anyone or anything can be, stunning, gorgeous, perfect and all that. But I think that what sets her apart is that her beauty is meaningful. Let me see if I can explain myself... Sometimes you see a person and they're beautiful just like an empty vase might be: it's pleasant to the eye when you're looking at it, but then you look at something else and never think about it again, because it didn't mean anything to you and didn't leave any marks. I know I'm going to sound corny here, but when you look at this woman, it's like you can see something coming out of her eyes and skin. Certainly speaks to me.
Jasmine dijo…
Thais...I have to go back and forth to keep up with you all...I totally understand what you mean as you so eloquently put it...some great mystery. I have no idea how or why this one person should have such an effect on all of us. But she does. No denying it. And, if I may say, at my age, this is a lovely gift.

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