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Festival Internacional de Cannes - Homenaje a Fanny Ardant - 22 de mayo de 2009


Jerocca dijo…

made by 007 ^^

So will she got the homage on 22 May for sure ???

expecting ^^

Where's FA now?????????
Tsai will flight to Cannes on 18 ( even thought he just back on 11 May from France..)

with lots of traditional food he prepared.ready to cook for the crew during the stay in Paris
(according to the newspaper lol)

Fanny Ardant in this moment are in her home joining of her life.

Visage is on Cannes saturday may 23, no?

We'll expecting... Aaaaahhhh

I love Tsai!

I'm very nervous my friend...
Jerocca dijo…
me 2

R u spy on our DIVA at Paris??

Well done agent 007 ( jajaja)

ME nervous as you did

the flight should be arrive the day after 18 ( or early...)

so...will FA show up 22 as Bruno told us ( the Premiere of " her first film ...ashes and blood " )

then with Director on 23 carbet??

butterflies in the stomach...

Jasmine dijo…
You've all got me so on edge I can't think at all. Now I'm focused on the dates. Beautiful picture. I watched The Secrets last night for the third time. I cannot bear to see Ardant die in a film. I'm biting my nails right now. Try that and type at the same time. Love to you all.
Jerocca dijo…
Dear Jasmine

Did you got subtitle? ( me

The secrets is a story which endless discussion.the woman right/religion/love/ on thing

IT's on my top 5 of Fanny's ( after 1.change moi ma vie/2.Desire/3.The year of the flood/ 4.Le paltoquet ...)

Love back

Bonjour a tous!

Yes, for me Fanny Ardant and Tsai will be walking along the red carpet on saturday 23 and Fanny on friday 22 !!

Mariposas en mi estómago desde hace tiempo... Butterflies in my stomach from long time...

Cendres et Sang will has Official Screening on Friday 22, 20.15 and had a FilmMarket Screenings yesterday, Saturday 16 and Tuesday 19, 16h. The press screening will has Thursday 21, 13.45 in Salle Bazin.

A bientôt!
Jasmine dijo…
Ah favorite is still Natalie, 8 Women (only when Fanny is on), Change Ma Vie (odd, risky, edgy. She's daring, always. I love you Mily keeping up with Cannes...I wish we were all together watching it on TV so we could pop champagne and shout and do all the right things for love of Fanny!!!
Jerocca dijo…

we'll pop up with champagne ...n ready for the moment ^^
Jasmine,sisi,I love all the film with FA on it ( Change moi ma vie is odd I know...but don't know why....ME love the " real fanny" or seems to be real Fanny could be...and opera thing...the others such as 8 femmes/Desire or...for me they're part of the opera things...that's why adore me...same to you I suppose)

Nathalie...the music/the unspoken words...attractive ( but I expecting more in film but Director on porpose...)

stay tuned...which I mean the "Divina Fanny Ardant "


MILY MILY MILY we want the alive report with mv / pics and voice lol ( plsssssssssssss)

spoil us
The film "Nathalie" is catalogued like "lesbian interest". Here a link of Youtube with some pics with all we saw like "lesbians scenes"...

Chuiks for all my friends! ♥
thaïs dijo…
Nathalie is also my favorite. Thanks for the link, Mily, I'll check it out. To me it's more than obviously gay, and I don't understand how anyone could see it differently. But that's just my opinion. I like the fact that the director comments, on the making of, about their chemistry. But, just like Jerocca, I expected a bit more. The ending doesn't make any sense to me.
Sí, Nathalie es un film de temática gay pero muy subrepticiamente, como a escondidas. Hay varias escenas, muchas en la película, en que uno ya espera "algo más". En todo el film se tiene la sensación de "me gustas o no", "te beso o no", "me pasa algo con vos o no". Y al final, Díos mío, cuando Nathalie se despide de ella, le toma su cabeza, ahí todo el mundo dijo "al fin, se van a dar el beso que tanto esperamos"... y noooo.

¿Por qué Anne Fontaine ha querido esconder toda esta temática?

Besitos para todas!
jasmine dijo…
Of course I chose my own ending for Natalie, as most of us who love Fanny did. Listen, you women have gotten me into this with great vigor...I've just seen all the news releases regarding the Homage to Ardant...and I swear I haven't felt this excited since I was a child. What a wonderful thing this is. There has to be a way of seeing this. Back to Natalie...I think what makes Ardant lovers so incredible is that we enjoy the intellectual discussion as well as the you are all right on!!! Loving Cheers to all of us!!!
Ani dijo…
Creo que la directora de Nathalie quiso jugar un poco con la ambigüedad, dejando a la imaginación del espectador, el rellenar los espacios, las escenas que faltan. ¿Tal vez el temor a ser tan explícita...?. Hubiera sido brillante!!!
Jasmine dijo…
I think I understand a tiny bit of what you wrote Ani...but not all..can Mily translate please? Yes, definitely I got the word ambiguous and I agree and it was probably deliberate but that's what makes it such a good film for me. Her stillness was what made it so moving and sensual.
Ani said that Anne Fontaine played with the ambiguity, leaving freedom at the imagination of the spectator.
Ani dijo…
Jasmine, the glances (eyes) say everything in Nathalie.
thaïs dijo…
We have a saying here in Brazil that goes like this: "Não se pode agradar a gregos e troianos" - You can't please achaeans and trojans. I think that's what Anne Fontaine tried to do. I imagine a big part of her audience was there to see Fanny + M. Depardieu. The tale of the classy bourgeoise who falls for a working girl (who, by the way, she thinks is her husband's mistress) is not one that we see everyday. Maybe the director felt it might still be shocking to some people. On the other hand, she wanted to imply that there was something going on between them and knew that there was also a nice fat portion of the audience that would appreciate that.

As for me, I can deal with the subtleties and with the fact that they never kiss (on-screen, that is :P). But, really, I still think the ending makes no sense. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but Catherine seemed pretty much interested. Didn't she? She wanted to help Nathalie, she rented N. an apartment and then, when she learned that her cheating husband didn't cheat just that one time, then she goes flying back to him and washes her hands of Nathalie? Makes no sense.

Jasmine, I'm with you on this. I can't wait to watch her movie and I also hope we get to see it somehow.
Jasmine dijo…
You know what I find most interesting is that Ardant chooses so many films with gay themes, either outright or subtle. Like Deneuve (who has been far more at ease with it I think and more out).Some of the scenes that gave me quick intake of breath were more subtle...the look on Fanny's face while her mother is singing that lovely song, when she walks over to Natalie with her body touching Natalie's arm as she looks at the photo, her head on Natalie's shoulder in the cab, and of course the end. I think when she took her husband's arm, she was smiling. Also one of my favorite moments in 8 Women, when Deneuve is singing and the look on Fanny's face, a question and then a "aah"....neat. Gotta get back to reality here...Love you all...
Lisa dijo…
Bonjour à tous! :) Dear girls! I agree with Jasmine; it would be great if we were all together... Lili once suggested that we all meet on a ship! ;) But I think that it's unlikely that we'll ever be more together than this - Mily's blog! We will just have to pretend we have the champagne! :)

I love that you are all discussing Nathalie - again! :) Thaïs and I had a long discussion about it a while ago. It is my favourite also. But the end... Yes, the director did try to please everyone, that must be why. The part of the audience that wanted to see Ardant+Depardieu got that... in the end, the man and the woman are back together and are happy like they should be. But if they really think that that is what the film is about, they didn't really pay attention! Of course a lot of things are going on between the women. And maybe that's why she smiles like that in the end and holds his hand. Because she is happy that she has found this girl... she has finally realised that the life they have is not what she wants. She and her husband can have a new beginning - as friends! She's just about to tell him this..... That's what I will have to think; it has to be something like that, or it doesn't make sense, as Thaïs said. We have to believe that it is an "open" end. I fully agree with Ani; the eyes say everything.

That youtube video; it's good work, but there was another one before that was even better. :) I tried to give you the link, but I can't watch it because "this video is not available in your country"! :( Well, it doesn't matter, because we know the story well enough already!
jasmine dijo…
Hey Lisa...oh it's good to see you respond here...I'm so lax about sitting for any period to write anymore...spring and gardening get in the way...yes I saw a wonderful compendium of Natalie, if that's the correct word. Neat editing that focuses on the seduction..I love it and thought it so clever. Well, I'm still very edge about Cannes. You guys have really done a number. I fully intend to celebrate if only by myself and will pretend you are all there. Love....
Jerocca dijo…

saw director Tsai n Ang Lee in Cannes on Tv ( but no a thing about FA so far ...)


something wrong with my NB

might join you girls later

thaïs dijo…
I like your ending far better than mine, Lisa. My take on it: Catherine is stubborn. She spent years of her life thinking that she loved the hubby. When she didn't, anymore (remember their relationship was practically non-existent even before she found out about the cheating), she kept telling herself she still did. In the end, she's desperately trying. So much that she won't realize that she's fallen in love with somebody else. So, I don't think that "Let's not go inside" is final. I think she'll eventually come to terms and go after Nathalie (for the nth time). That's my happy ending: she tries to ride off to the sunset with the hubby but can't stop thinking about N. :)
Jasmine dijo…
You've got it! Well you've both got it! I'm smiling myself at the thought. I love a film that engages us like this. Even now. I don't know if I responded to this point: I did get The Secrets with English subtitles. I just got Roman du Gare and am looking forward to watching it again (and again, and again.....)...Bur hate Fanny dying all the's too sad.
Michel Richard Pralong dijo…
Flores para ti mi amor
Anónimo dijo…
Obviously,Nathalie is not a gay a true love history between a woman and her husband..I don't understand why you want a explicit scene with will be completely innecesary,I think...and the end is a good end,in my opinion.
Jasmine dijo…
You miss the intent I believe of the director and writer...clearly the entire film was meant to be ambiguous giving each of us our own viewpoint; allowing us freedom to fantasize. I can only assume you are unable to see meaning in the subtle glances, the longing. Catherine and her husband did indeed reach boredom in their relationship. Natalie brought life to Catherine. And to me....
thaïs dijo…
I'm sorry, but in my opinion "true love" and cheating don't go together. If you truly love someone, you don't sleep with anyone else. If for nothing else, then out of consideration for the feelings of the person you claim to love.

We wanted an explicit scene merely as an illustration of the feelings we saw there on the screen: they had chemistry, they were into one another, they respected one another as human beings...
jasmine dijo…
Amen, Thais...I agree totally with your assessment. I am happy with our ending. I watched the film again looking to see if I'd just allowed myself to see what I wanted to see, but came to the same conclusion. They became lovers and that would enable Catherine and her husband to continue, each to their own needs. Nice.

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Chat con Fanny Ardant publicado en Le Journal "Libération"