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Abril de 1983 - Top Foto


Esta época de Fanny Ardant me fascina. Creo haberme quedado fija en ese tiempo. "La femme d'à côté", "Vivement Dimanche"...
Años exquisitos de la filmografía ardántica.
Lisa dijo…
Yes, I like those films, too. She is exquisite in them, especially in "Vivement Dimanche!"... but "La femme d'à côté" is my favourite of her films (the ones I've seen) from the 1980's.

But just have to say, in this particular photo -- she looks so much like someone I used to know years ago! I have never thought about that resemblance before between young Fanny and this girl... wow. Amazing, really.
jasmine dijo…
Now Lisa you have to say who....but I have to accept that she was beautiful then but to quote from Natalie she "looks better now" least to my eyes her inner beauty and mystery is greater now than then. Experience lends a knowingness perhaps a more acceptance to her eyes...I don't know exactly what I mean, but there is something much deeper now, say in the photo that follows. I also think her hair style was not as free (you can see I struggle for words) as her style is now (remember I didn't like her with the pin in her hair)...I love the softness of hair falling over hear forehead. Ah me, I am going on a toot here. Forgive me....Love you...
Oooohhh yes dear Jasmine... Please Lisa has to say who...

Yes, you are right... There are two Fanny, then: the young and the mature woman that seduces us.

What's the difference between both? and what's seduces us more?

Chuikssss and I love you, Ardantes, forever !!
Jerocca dijo…
I love the way Fanny now ( much deeper n beauty beyond the skins ) of course to me She's always the same n more than words

Agree with you all ^^

jasmine dijo…
That's what makes this so fascinating. So many actors fade away after their 40s. Fanny will glow forever I think. What the secret is I don't know. I used to yearn for the great salons of Paris, London and New York where people of intellect and talent came together to talk about theatre, art, literature, politics, everything. I have this sense of what that must have been like with Mily's place here. As though we are all meeting to talk about Fanny and also the things that interest her, which turn out to interest us. So we have our mini-salon here. Try to imagine Nathalie Barney, Colette, Renee Vivien, Bernhardt, Duse, all talking about Fanny. What a great time that would be. So how can I help but love you bring this to me...
Lisa dijo…
Oh, yes, Nathalie's words there are just perfect and sums it up perfectly. Because -- as pretty as she was then, it's nothing compared to how breathtakingly beautiful (heartstoppingly sexy) we see her in for example "Nathalie", "L'odore del sangue", "Hello Goodbye"...
It is not easy to define WHAT it is about Fanny's mature beauty that is so seductive... "much deeper", as Jerocca said, that's just it -- and it is also true that she is always the same in a way. I remember that the first time I watched "Vivement dimanche!", I thought that I could sometimes... see a glimpse of the woman she was to become.....
And also -- it is something fascinating about this little glimpse into the unknown, unattainable past; "so this is what she looked like when she was about my age..." It is definitely true that I agree with the words of Nathalie.
Maybe... maybe an old photo of Fanny, such as this one, just calls to life a little bittersweet memory of things in the past...
Dear amigas, I didn't mean to provoke your curiosity when I said that. See, it's just that some years ago (about 8 to be exact; how time flies) I had the most terrible (but beautiful... you know...) crush on a girl. Dark hair, slightly curly (but not brown eyes and not as tall as Fanny), and... you see, the smile! I think that's where I see the resemblance. I think that the thought may have crossed my mind before, but never as much as when I saw this photo. Now I had to search for some old photos, and yes, it's true. Funny...
Lisa dijo…
Our own mini-salon here - yes, Jasmine, absolutely, that is so true!!
I love the talks between ardantes.

In "Marie Poupee" was already "the Fanny" that I love. She was a woman refined from very young. I believe that quality is very difficult to acquire later. She grew and matured near of the Grimaldi, then she could not be a slovenly girl or bad mannered.

Superbe! Today is the day of the independence of Argentina and it's a holiday. For tomorrow Government decreed "health holiday" by pig flu. We have four days of rest. Qué bueno, no?

Chuiks for all ardantes
jasmine dijo…
Happy Independence Day Mily....and on top of it you get four days off! Tell me what you will be doing on this holiday? How will you celebrate? Now that we're agreed this is very could share what books you read and how Fanny has changed you. She's certainly changed me. I just rewatched a segment of Paris Je t'aime...I love her in it but it is all too brief. I long to see some of the films you have mentioned and have so much to look forward to. Jerocca...many years ago, in the late 60s, when I was doing hospital public relations in NYC, three young women from Taiwan came to the hospital. One was very ill and needed special care that our hospital offered. I got to know her two sisters very well but sad to say I've forgotten their names. They were totally the most enchanting young girls and was so delighted to hear their stories of their home. I wish I knew what had happened to them. Leave it to me to forget their names. Maybe I can Google the time period for St. Vincent's Hospital. See all the memories you women bring to me. And all because of this gorgeous woman. Lisa...I secretly knew who the "other woman" was. It makes me smile to write that. Love you
Hi dear Jasmine, I believe that I will be in bed. Here it's very cold, more or less 10º. Tomorow saturday, I will go to buy more winter clothes and a couple of books. I would like to see "Benvenuta" (do you watched this film?) and to rest until Monday.

In this moment, in Argentina, there are a national emergency for the pig influenza and recommends don't go where there is crowd or to do great celebrations in public and for these reasons, everything is very calm until the influenza disappears.

Chuiks my dear friend ;D
jasmine dijo…
Now my darling you think this woman would even believe that you are in another hemisphere? It's hot summer here and I just didn't think about you having winter. It's all too much for this pea-brain of mine. No I haven't seen Benvenuta yet but look forward to it when I can get it. We went through the swine flu scare a couple of months ago but nothing happened and now we're being told that October is the bad time. So they tell us we'll all get the shots to prevent it. Hope so. You must stay home in a nice cozy place, have some tea, curl up with a good book. What would Fanny do? Same thing! I'm hoping to learn if Fanny will be in Toronto and maybe even Montreal. I can dream, can't I?
I send my love and a little warmth for you....
Lisa dijo…
I forget too sometimes that our seasons are not the same! Mily, I hope that you're not too cold this winter! Here, after a heat wave a couple of weeks ago, we have mostly rain these days and it's not very nice at all. Bad summer. :( Hope you find some good books to read while you stay away from crowds. I have just finished reading a book about love between women in Swedish 19th century novels; this subject has not been so much seriously studied before. A lot was written between the lines in those days - and yet it was very open (in contrast to the situation in the end of that century when the words "homo-" and "heterosexual" had been invented), sometimes but not always disguised as something else. The book was very interesting.

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