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Para subyugar todos los males...

Fotografía Copyright André Rau


thaïs dijo…
Ladies, I'm moving right now and I wanted to let you know that I've been away because I'm waiting for the good-will of those nice men from the cable company to come to my new place and provide me with some access to the internet. I'm at a cyber cafe right now. Anyway, I'll be in touch and I hope to get back online soon. :)
Aahh ! Qué bueno que estés junto a nosotras querida Thaïs. Ya extrañábamos tu presencia. Entiendo que te has mudado de casa y que estás esperando al técnico q te instalará internet en tu nueva casa. Espero que toda la mudanza haya sido divertida y que tu nuevo lugar, sea un refugio maravilloso. Chauu amiga, besitos ardantes para ti ! Suerte
jasmine dijo…
Love this beautiful photo...missed you Thais...and Mily, hope you are warm.
Jerocca dijo…
Dear Thais

How's your interent processing?
Remind me the " cable guy" starring by Jim Carry( jajaja...forgive me)

I know how hard it could be the life without internet or cable thing ( eventhought the Tv of mine is unplug for months )

And Jasmine / Mily ...all ardantes

nothing to do with the evil ...would reather " charm" instand,no?

Love you all
Have a nice wkend

Super hotttttt n typhoon gone
Live report from TW by Jerocca 005
Ani dijo…
Dios, mío! (OMG!) No lo dudo en absoluto, hasta la GRIPE A!.
You right, Jasmine, amazing!

Jaja!, Jerocca, you make me laugh!! I remember that film!

Thaïs, que pronto tengas internet!!! No se puede estar sin!

Besotes Ardantes for you all, girls!!!!!
jasmine dijo…
O Jerocca you are a pip! Love the way you play with the computer. Glad to hear you weren't hit by the typhoon. The NY Times has a full page spread on the new stadium in Taiwan. What a magnificent structure! Miss Thais too...Got to get you all together. There is a sweetness between Gerard and Fanny, no doubt about it. One of your blogs, Mily, was a news conference with the two of them and she was gently caressing the back of his neck. Lovely gesture. Great photos, as always, dear Mily. Now I have to try to find this Offenbach orchestration and to see if the acting portion is anywhere to be found. Ah you lead me forever on new searches. Love you all dear friends...or as my newfound French (very limited of course but with heart) mes amies.

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El 7 de junio, Fanny Ardant en el casamiento de su hija mayor, Lumir, en la Iglesia Saint-Jacques du Haut-Paus

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Harto ya de alabar tu piel dorada, tus externas y muchas perfecciones, canto al jardín azul de tus pulmones y a tu tráquea elegante y anillada. Canto a tu masa intestinal rosada, al bazo, al páncreas, a los epiplones, al doble filtro gris de tus riñones y a tu matriz profunda y renovada. Canto al tuétano dulce de tus huesos, a la linfa que embebe tus tejidos, al acre olor orgánico que exhalas. Quiero gastar tus vísceras a besos, vivir dentro de ti con mis sentidos... Yo soy un sapo negro con dos alas. Baldomero Fernández Moreno

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