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La bella Caterina en "L'Ora di Punta"


Anónimo dijo…
Young n pretty is nothing special.Grow with brightness is only FA ( I like the way you now...a line from "Natalie...")
Anónimo dijo…
Yay! :) You're so totally right, Jerocca! I love that scene from "Nathalie", I've actually stolen the words to use them in a novel that I'm writing. ;)

What I was going to say... Mucho quisiera ver esta pelí "L'Ora di punta"!, he leido aqui en tu blog... creo es un pelí très bien, no? (Have you seen it, Mily?)

Cuando veo un foto como esto - it takes my breath away!
Salut Chicas, Jeroocca and Lisa !!! ça va?
Yes, I saw "L'Ora di Punta" in italian. I hope to watch a copy with spanish subtitles. Anyway, when Fanny plays, I can't to watch Fanny and read the subtitle at the same time, jaja !!
Un abrazo grande para las 2
Sorry, what scene are you talking about, in Nathalie? I can't remember this !!
Ciao besos
Anónimo dijo…
Mily me moi watched L'Ora di Punta in Italian without any subtitle also >< But Had read a part of the novel (same title with the movie)oviein English afterward ...FA is very sad here especially in the last sence ( and cried in the hotel/in the train station when her husband away )In Natalie..." Natalie saw Fanny's teen pic in her mother's apartment and said I like the now you ( which means you're much prettier than before/young...)Coz someone said it before also Fanny is like a wine...taste better when getting older

Lisa ^^ (share your novel to us though...)
Jerocca !!! Coincidence, wonderfull !! Yes, I was thinking very much in this scene de L'Ora di Punta. When Caterina (Fanny) cries in the room of the hotel, it impact me, she play very very good, seems totally natural, in her age. Black eyes, maquillaje on her face, clean with her finger her eyes, etc. I watched the scene a pair of times.

Other scene that I like it was when Caterina and Lastella arrives to the house of a friend, a woman in age. Ella tout in noir, black dress, arrives and her friend, a woman, said: "Ah, this is your famous friend, he could be my son. And Caterina makes a face, a gesture very serious. Do you remember?

In gral. I liked all the movie. I understand more or less but I saw Fanny!! hohoho !!

Moreover, I remember scene of Nathalie, yes yes, tks very much, oui oui, la scene is when Catherine and Nathalie goes to Catherine's mother... This film have a lot of remarkable scenes !!Besos
Anónimo dijo…
Hola Mily, gracias por la e-mail. Now when I read what you and Jerocca said above, I'm even more eager to see the movie! :)

Oh, and about my writing, I just took the scene right off: There's a young woman, and she likes this older woman, Adriana who is a piano player. (In writing this, I didn't know that in "La famiglia", Fanny plays a character called Adriana - fun coincidence!) The girl sees a picture of Adriana when she's young, and she says: "You were pretty as a girl, but I prefer you the way you are now!"

I just couldn't stop myself from doing that... but, you know, all writers are in a way thieves ;) And besides, if my novel ever gets published, someone might recognize this scene from "Nathalie" and think it's funny that they know where I got it from...
Anónimo dijo…
Oh ! Quelles jolies nouvelles par ici ! Moi, je voudrais le livre dédicacé par Lisa! ;)
Tout le monde à vu L'Ora Di Punta !!!? Oh j'ai hâte,je vais le voir très bientôt, il arrive chez moi doucement mais "Chi va piano va sano" :D :D
Un abrazooooO !!!

ps : Il y a de nouveaux dessins de Fanny Ardant chez moi :D

Bientôt de quoi faire une exposition, hm ? Ahaha.
Lisa !! Guau !!! Moi aussi je voudrais to read le roman write for you Lisa !! its argument seems très interesant !! the main personages are Adriana, the pianista and a younger woman?. Yes, super fine coincidence!!! You are a magic writer !! When do you thing to finish of writing? in swedish? or in english? Please tell us when you finish la novel !! Mucha Suerte !! and good inspiration !!
Un abrazote !!!
Anónimo dijo…
oui oui I like the winkles also ^^
Anónimo dijo…
Je suis heureux que tout le monde semble intéressé par mon roman. Muchas gracias :)) Si, escribo en sueco. :) Es una historia del amor (una chica, Elin, y una mujer, Adriana, ella es profesor de piano) with a supernatural twist. I will not try to write a summary because it will only sound very lame... I don't know when I'll be finished but I keep on working! And of course, maybe it will not get published!!!

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