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De tal madre, tal hija


Cris dijo…
¡¡Anda, qué chica más guapa!! ¿Cuál de sus hijas es? ¿De cuándo es esta foto?
Un besote
Anónimo dijo…
les mêmes question que Cris !!! :
Quand, Où, avec QUI !!!!!!!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !
Anónimo dijo…
Serais-ce donc Joséphine ?
Yo creo que es Joséphine Ardant Truffaut. En el teatro de París, para una presentación de una gran compañía de actores rusos. No?
Besitos! Woah!
Anónimo dijo…
So the answer is ...

oh..a presentation...I thought they went to see a ply...thanks for the that a traslator Fanny hold?

Fanny with 3 rings in one hand again ^^Me wanna try also


Besitos all ^^
Mily besitos ^^
Yes, I think that Fanny have a traslator or something that in her hands. Because they went a see a russian play.
Besitos Jerocca!!
Anónimo dijo…
Lol ! Jerocca ! I'm searching for a little ring to the little fnger me too...^^ The finger of sensitivity and heart one says...But maybe for Fanny the 3 rings symbolise something. the 3 most important men of her life ?!! her 3 daughters...?


Milyyyy ! Where as-tu trouvé ces photos ?? De quand datent-elles ??? De cette année ???!!!

Merciii, a lot of chuik !
Anónimo dijo…
Lili...yes..both I guess/3 lovely girls from 3 awesome men ^^

The little finger means sensitive n heart?? the picture of your future ring if you found it (sure you will)

How about the other hand with one ring of hers?means?

Mily...maybe all of us shall try 3 rings or more in one hand ^^

Have you dream of Fanny also?? Mily?Why me not yet???(upset)
I love rings!! I have 10, diferents, and always I'm searching other and other and other. Today, I'll buy a pair of them... and a Zweig's book for to read tonight

Où? Je trouvé ces photos en... mon privée collection, jaja!! Année... mmm... 2006?

chuik, chuik, chuik
Jerocca!! the girls of Fanny we are a community that uses rings!! It is very good idea, no?

I dreamed with Fanny. I remember it because I awoke dreaming with her. Doctors says that one always dreams but not remember always because when we slept we have cycles of dreams. and if we awoke when we are in a dream, we remembered it.

I dreamed that I was in a castle of France, in a room, a big room. I took refuge there and slept there. At night, in the middle of the dark somebody enters in my room. Fanny was. She wear a white shirt, straight and black skirt. She said to me: "hello daughter, I am your mother and I want that you know me"

Pum... I awoke scared. I believe that I see her like an ideal mother. Perfect!!

I want to put my dream in super Lili's blog.

1000 abrazos para todas!!
Anónimo dijo…
Cute idea about rings - Lili had une rêve about getting a ring from Fanny. Lili, you're searching for une bague that looks like the one in your dream?! (Personally, I'm not very fond of rings, well, sometimes, because they look very nice, but I always take them off - e.g. when I wash my hands - and then I forget them! So I don't have many rings because they mysteriously disappear...)

Mily, do put your dream in Lili's blog - then she'll have a good collection and we're only waiting for Jerocca to have a dream! ^^ How nice to dream about un château francais... and Fanny comes in the night... but oh, then your dream was very different from mine (had I dreamed like you, I also would have been very scared indeed!), because it was nothing motherly at all about that...

Anónimo dijo…

You're Fanny's daughter ^^nice nice
I tried to have one last night ><

Oh my

when will the " dream " come true?

Lisa help( you didn't answer me what was the kiss like? haha)

But I do dream of David bowie^^

Mily : Lili said Fanny wearn 2 rings while having interveiw in 1986( means she has 2 men/2 daughters in her life...we assumed)
Then 3 rings at the night of Russian play (3 men/3 girls now)

Maybe we make a Comparison
Jerocca !!!! but what intelligent that you are petite girl!! I believe that Fanny is very symbolic, she is all a icon or creed, our creed. If we looked her photos, she always uses rings but not always she has three. Sometimes she uses two or one. We try to look with attention.

For to dream, a little advice: before you sleeping, think think think that you will dream and you must desire with who you wish to dream... and only happens. Please, tell me!!
Anónimo dijo…
Hola chicas,
it is interesting and fascinating about dreams, les rêves, sueños... During certain times of my life when I have been very occupied in my thoughts with someone, I have found myself to have many dreams, and that is quite natural.
But to me, it seems to happen very randomly, beyond my control. But I have heard a little about this thing called "active dreaming", i.e. in some way or another you really can control your dreams!?! I have never been able to quite figure it out, even if I think, think, think hard...
I have only dreamed of Fanny once.

And Jerocca, sorry for not answering the question yet, I'm sure you wanna know ^^ No, it wasn't really like the kiss of 8 femmes (very passionate!), it was more gentle and soft... but alas!, only a dream after all and très irréel...

Je suis très triste maintenant... because mon frère was going to help me find L'ora di punta and The secrets and get them for me, but he could not find them... :(

Lisa !!! if you want, I can to send you the films. Now I write you to your mail.
Anónimo dijo…

You do know me..haha
I'm sure your dream will continue

By thh way

I had a dream ( which post on the Mily's Fumando espero)

Not as I expect but more than nothing ><

Girls !! what good the topic dreams. It is super funny!! I believe taht one must to program the head to dream and to wake up before the dream finishes. Re crazy, no?

Beautiful your dream Lisa !! Yes, I'm sure your dream will continue...

Jeroccaaaa !! Do you dream with Fanny?? do you post on Fumando espero? Yes, now now I'm going to read... !!!!
Anónimo dijo…
We are a bit crazy, no?
Rêveuses. (bon, Jerocca ony crazy at now :P)

But, you are fantastic, les filles !!!

Chuik chuik for all !!!
Anónimo dijo…
who's crazy...??

I dream with someone( and the kiss) but no fanny...nonono...

me no crazy lol...

no chuik ><
Jeroccaaaa !!!

Are you dream with someone and with kiss??? Who are someone, how was someone's face? No Fanny... ufff, nonono? My God friend !! I believe that I must to talk with Fanny for she appears in your dreams!!

Who's crazy...?? you don't worry !! don't care to Lili's says, jajajaja!!! lol

Guau, guau (chuik chuik of dogs)
Anónimo dijo…
well well...i'm sure you will talk to Fanny when she apears in my dreams or in anyone's dreams with fanny ^^

There're two...

one was ...

one was...

I'm too shy to tell you lol
(Actually just kisses nothings more .one was someone I know/ I like...the other was someone we meet in dream only)

No Fanny in dream "still" me crazy lol

Hug Tomato very tight.tight tight..(poor doggie) like that ^^

Jaja querida!! It is possible that you have dreamed with Fanny and you don't remember, lol . I spoke with her about your dreams!!

Kisses only? what romantic you are! It is the true love, kisses nothing else... besos nada más.

"The other was someone we meet in dream only"... someone is a real person, somebody that exists? or only exists in your imagination?

chuik chuik to Tomato and to you!!

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