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Para adornar la ciudad... Fanny Ardant

Copyright George Kabanis


Uf, hoy comienza la rutina nuevamente. A trabajar!!! Ya estoy cansada de nuevo antes de salir. Lástima que Buenos Aires no esté empapelada de este modo, ardánticamente. Bye Bye, la semana comienza !!
Anónimo dijo…

ps..You saw "THE SECRETS" ? please tell me why Anouk murder for love? (I ask lili also ^^)You two are my only hope
Jerocca, thanks !!
Yes, I have "The Secrets" but without subtitles in spanish. I saw the parts where Fanny plays but they speak in Hebrew, and something in French between Fanny and one of the girls (Michele). I don't understand too much. Only I saw without understand (?)

Do you saw the film? At now, Lili is our only hope !!!!! Lili, Lili, Liliiiiiiii, HELP US !!!!!!!!
Anónimo dijo…
Coucou! J'ai répondu à quelques questions de Jerocca dans les commentaires de l'article consacré à The Secrets sur mon site
Les raisons du "crime passionnel" restent un peu floues pour moi aussi. Rien n'est révélé dans The Secrets...
Anouk dit qu'elle ne "regrette rien", que c'est "l'amour" qui l'a poussée à "tuer", mais en même temps elle veut se purifier de ce corps qu'elle dit n'avoir pas toujours contrôlé, et qui a parfois exprimé l'excitation puis l'extase indépendamment de sa volonté (sans contrôle). Il faut aussi prendre en considération le tempérament de cet homme (tempérament passionné ? mouais...) qui lui faisait faire des choses très étranges (cf. les tableaux), sado-masochiste...
Elle l'aimait, étrangement, et de là les raisons du crime dit "passionnel" sont vraiment obscures...pour nous.

Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Anónimo dijo…
Dear Mily...Yes I saw the secrets without any sub again ^^ The soundtrack is so beautiful especially the singing ...

Lili You do asnwered me a lot...You're right ...The answer of the secrets is unclear .Maybe that's why title " The secrets " ...and keep us looking for

Thank you two again ^^love u
oui, oui, hi girls!!!! how are you? j'ai aussi compris de cette façon... La raison qu'elle a assassiné à son mari n'est pas très définie dans le film. je n'ai pas compris quand les filles se réuniront et ensuite Fanny tombe au sol. Une fille est en fureur.
Please, please girls, if DVD sort, tell us!!! In this way, we'll have subtitles perhaps.
Un abrazo gigante!!
Anónimo dijo…
Oh... it sounds really interesting. I suppose the makers of this film are looking for this reaction: "what does it mean...??", maybe because it's a good thing not to understand at once, but to keep thinking, keep watching the film...

Anyway, I'd sure like to see it and you're probably right - with subtitles it would be a lot easier to understand. I mean, Hebrew...! French, yes; maybe I could handle that, and perhaps Italian if I concentrate real hard, but Hebrew - even with some French in it - seems like a little too much... :)
Hi Girls !!!! We must get the subtitles in english, spanish, french or italian for "The Secrets". With one of these, I'm very happy. Lisaaa !! Do you watch "The Secrets"?
Un abrazo inmenso para todas. Las adoro!!
Anónimo dijo…
^^ Chains of discussion of the rilm ^^Like that ^^ ( lalalala)I saw it without sub then "doing research " and so on.
By the way this pic reminded me " High Heels" A wall which is covered by posters of Marisa Paredes's ^^
Salut dear Jerocca, a wall covered by posters of Marisa Paredes? I love Marisa Paredes. She is a very good spanish actris!!!
Anónimo dijo…
Yes.the very first spainish movie of Pedro of mine is " High Heels"..I can't get rid of the image of the Blonde ( or white?)even thought I didn't know her in 1992.Since last year ( perhaps July.2007 ) 8 femmes I knew Fanny Ardant .Googgle all her post/information/movies and found here finally ^^
Rememeber what I said to you beofore Marisa is a little bit alike Fanny from a distance (they're all thin n tall)
Both of them have special voices n characters.But Fanny is not only a star but also a great person which we all admire/respect ^^

Yes, yes, I remember. Marisa y Fanny are two clons. Marisa is 62 years old and she is fantastic woman today. But my heart have preference for Fanny.
Hugs hugs!
Anónimo dijo…
mily yes yes

Same here
She's the one the only ^^
Ardanticly ^^

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