Esta entrada del blog es para decirles, no sólo a mis amigas ardantes, sino también a todo aquel que quiera participar en la creación de la CARTA UNIVERSAL A LA DIVINA, que he abierto un espacio para que ingresen allí ideas, sugerencias, etc para tal fin. El único requisito es mucha admiración por Fanny, mucho amor, mucha buena onda, mucha alegría y muchas ganas de decir cosas lindas. El link es Carta Universal a Fanny Ardant o sólo clickeando a la derecha del blog en la misma frase. Muchas Gracias. Espero sugerencias.
El 7 de junio, Fanny Ardant en el casamiento de su hija mayor, Lumir, en la Iglesia Saint-Jacques du Haut-Paus
Lumir, la hija mayor de Fanny Ardant, se ha casado el sábado 7 de junio en París, con Olivier Vallencien, jefe de una Sociedad de Restauración. Después de pasar por el Alcalde del Distrito de Ille, la joven pareja se dirigió a la Iglesia Saint-Jacques du Haut-Paus. La acompañaba su madre, radiante a pesar del mal tiempo en la ciudad, junto a sus otras dos hijas, Joséphine, de 25 años, la hija de François Truffaut, y de Baladine, de 18 años, que ella ha tenido junto a su actual compañero, el realizador Fabio Conversi. La familia muy pronto aumentará su número de integrantes, debido a que la hermosa Lumir espera un bebé para el mes de septiembre próximo. Todos nuestros mejores deseos de felicidad para Lumir y Olivier y para nuestra querida Fanny Ardant. Millones de Gracias por la Noticia y las Fotos a Isa Fotografías y Material de Purepeople
No tienen que registrarse ni nada, sólo ingresan abajo el comentario, nombre y todo lo que quieran.
Si se les ocurre otra idea, digan !!
Cualquier duda, pregunten !!
Mua, mua
I said I'm ready...
But shy now...(why why why)
Would you pls del the second message I post on Carta Universal a Fanny Ardant (It can dispaly the Simple Chinese but not Traditional ones...I tried's work)
Sry to bother you lol
Chuik chuik
Or if you don't mind...leave it ^^
Find with me also
I delete your second message on Carta Universal a Fanny Ardant.
Ufa, I liked it !! Please write it again in english !!
I'm looking for a guestbook to write in all the languages !!
mua, mua !!
I found something interesting...
While we talking about the letters...we all excited and post lots of thoughts...
But it seems a bit of serious when we "really " doing it ^^
Keep I right to say this or the posts are fewer there,right ^^
It's ok...Maybe faults are allowed to here or everything...
Coz we didn't make them on purpose
We don't have to be perfect to be loved ..
Here is good enough/Also the Carta Universal a Fanny Ardant...
I'm totally ok if no Chinese lol
Really don't wanna bothering you again and again...
ps..Are we two here at " home" today? haha
Coz Monday? Coz...
Chuik chuik
I believe that we are fear, that is? many nerves, for fear of to expose us! etc
Yes, we are two at home today !! but we are very happy!! lol
tks amiga !! abrazos grandes;)
I write in your guestbook, do you saw?
I put other guestbook. It is in the first place of sidebar, at right !
Please, try if you can write in chinese and tell me please !!
Tonight I'll see in detail !!
All Right
Just wrote you back in MY guestbook
You found that...10 points..
I will try the new guestbook ^^
THen we can see the result
Have you see " City in heat /Betiana Blum /炎熱之城 " yet?
Betiana Blum is that film also..
She is super cute in Queens/Reinas...
Lots of inside jokes in Reinas ^^
Catch you later
It's me again...
Really two of us here...
It works...
Yes it's monday that's why it's so difficuult to be concentrate for such a letter. I will try to write in the subway, but... I wait the week end for more. hurry up week end.
Mily you take the "initiatives", and it's ok, good work.
Jerocca, I think in the letter, chinese should/shall appearrrr (with traduction yes, as SPANISH, and SWEDISH and ITALIAN (hope coco will write somethingggg (calling : coco?)!!!)!!!
Kisses kisses, good week, good writing, n'see you soon Les Ardantes ;)
¿¿Hasta el lunes hay que esperar??
Yes of course, I understand that it's so difficult concentrate in something so important like letter to Fanny Ardant, but we are ready !!
Yes, I'll try to write in my office !! when my boss don't look at me, lol !! divino !!
Please Lili, where are you and with whom? hohoho !!
Mua, mua, mua !!
I don't saw "City in heat" with Betiana Blum. She is Marta in this film, no?
Do you saw it?
They are a group of friends, they talking in a bar. Is a good film?
Betiana Blum is one of our more important actress. She is very good actress and divine. Here a link:
besitos, besitos !! and 1000 tks pour this alegría !!
yes...people in the bar...I didn't finish it just wanna ask you how's that?
I was very impressed by her comedic performance.
Well...She's reallk cute in " Reinas"...And I do like REINAS..Maybe one of the reason is...I translated the subtitle in Chinese ^^ (The very first unofficial version )
And lots of Almodóvar girls..such as Carmen Maura/Verónica Forqué and of course Marisa Paredes
Thanks for the links..I'll check it out ^^
I've heared Fanny loves Woody Allen n Pedro Almodóvar..two of her favorite directors..
Without a doubt...Fanny will be extremely outstanding in both of their feature films...
And I'm sure Pedro will let her speak SPAINISH
ps...Lili where are you and with whom ( same question as MILY )
on the Subway to Fanny Ardant??
by the Express of Ardantes??
L'initiative de la carta universal à la divina es maravillosa, comme vous toutes les ardantes! Mily le chef su tutte!!
Desolée de n'avoir pas pu vous contacter avant mais g passé mes vacances au lit avec la varicelle!!!!Comment c possible de la prendre à 24 ans?!?!?
Esta maladia no es divina para nada! :p
Comunque non mollo, vi bacio tutte in ogni parte del globo.. vi penso, a presto,
que tu te guérisses très tôt de tu varicelle !! Uf, je n'aime pas avoir de la varicelle...
Que bon d'être dans le lit et ne pas aller à aucun lieu !!
S'il te plaît Coco Ardante, une lettre pour Fanny Divine dans italien, j'aime italien.
Si je suis la chef, cela c'est-à-dire que je dois porter devant toutes les ardantes la lettre à Fanny (noooooooo...) et je dois mettre la lettre dans ses mains (aaaaahhhh). Je puis aller avec une masque? hahaha !!
Besitos con varicela !!
poor coco
Mily mily
We got a " pass it forward "
Wann join??
If so..
I'll translate it in English
Best wishes ^^
Here's the " how to"
Answer 20 questions
Earse one question your don't like
Add your own question
And pass it forward(8 people)
Just for fun lol
Welcome to join us ^^
chuik chuik
PS .welcome to join us...
or we can list " 20 quesitons of FANNY " and pass it forward
That'll be fun
Towards there we go !!
besos, besos
1.Song in your head ?
(This is my own question )
2.What's bothering you recently ?
3.Will you tell the one ( who you crush on ) that your love him/her ...or not?
Nope ...But I'll constantly around him
4.Tired of ?
Things you have to do but you don't wanna to
5.Wanna cherish the most is ?
All the goodiness...
6.Love or to be love ?
To love " AND" to be love
7.What do you want the most ?
All wishes come true ...How greedy
9. The most romantic thing you done beofre?
Wish him all the best
10.Your favoirte pet is ...why ?
Dogs n Men
11.How long will it take to get over the upset with your better half ?
Soon (As soon as I wanna talk )
12. Do you think that the results of scientific research can be believed and why?
I believe ( You would never know ...)
13.Back to ten years ago, what will you change ?
Enjoy the studying as a student
14.What do you wanna do the most at break ?
15. After 10 year ,what kind of life do you wanna have and how?
Carefree ( how ? don't know yet )
16. Where do you wanna go the most ?
Anywhere I've never been to (All right all right...Italy is the place I wanna go the most )
17. Where do you wanna live the most ?
18. What make you happy recently?
Great music I found
19. What you hate the most of yourself ?
20. Your favoirte type of food is and why?
All ( You would never know what you will found next )
Then I order
all the people who see this
Please answer 19 questions above
And add your own quesiton and answer it also
Found 8 more people to join this
Pass it forward
Here's the example abvoe
We can play the original version or change it into Fanny's version
(or even both)
"10.Your favorite pet is ...why ?
Dogs n Men"
I'm lauuughinggg so muchhhh mouuahahhaha. rm.
I don't think how to tell that.."You Are So You", trop drôle !
"13.Back to ten years ago, what will you change ?
Enjoy the studying as a student"
This sentence makes me think, as a "bored" student..I have to take the most of this time so. Good resolution.
hmhm, well, Thanks.
rm De caunes for you now...
come on
join us
Mily translated the question into is there anyone wanna do the translator of France/Italian...or more??
Mily je t'aime