Lumir, la hija mayor de Fanny Ardant, se ha casado el sábado 7 de junio en París, con Olivier Vallencien, jefe de una Sociedad de Restauración. Después de pasar por el Alcalde del Distrito de Ille, la joven pareja se dirigió a la Iglesia Saint-Jacques du Haut-Paus. La acompañaba su madre, radiante a pesar del mal tiempo en la ciudad, junto a sus otras dos hijas, Joséphine, de 25 años, la hija de François Truffaut, y de Baladine, de 18 años, que ella ha tenido junto a su actual compañero, el realizador Fabio Conversi. La familia muy pronto aumentará su número de integrantes, debido a que la hermosa Lumir espera un bebé para el mes de septiembre próximo. Todos nuestros mejores deseos de felicidad para Lumir y Olivier y para nuestra querida Fanny Ardant. Millones de Gracias por la Noticia y las Fotos a Isa Fotografías y Material de Purepeople
Qué pena que aquí no llegue esa emisora... Y bueno, espero repercusiones.
Besotes Ardantes!!
Recién agregué a la info de la entrada que podías escuchar la radio por internet. Entra a y clickea directamente sobre el botón "ecouter le direct". Voilà la radio en directo. Acordate que el programa de la lectura de Fanny es el sábado 5 de julio y que nosotros tenemos 5 horas menos que en Francia.
Cualquier duda, escribime. Chauuuu, besitooooosss radiales!
If you don't care about the price...VAIO ( snoy )
If you do care about the speaker...HP
My choice will be --
1.reasonable price
2.under 1 KG size
4.maintenance service ( fast/ location /hospitality )
Lisa! You can go to a cyber. Or not?
Jerocca! A notebook under 1 kg? which?!!!
Besotes Ardantes!!
Yes, I like VAIO de Sony and the mark DELL. Here a link of it, her price is 1520 dollars! For us is 4600 $, same price of VAIO (second link)...
What is your choice?
Kiss de notebooks
Or you must to use your sister's PC!
Puss sans sound
of course....SONY VAIO CR410 lol
This is prettier and sharp ( but you have to paid all the options)
you don't need a good computer but only a good pen (head) to write ^^
Anita ( no?)
we got lots of mini notebook here and the price is cheap
1.KJS / 7 LED / 993 G / DVD / 120G
NT.27900 ( 1: 33 = US : NT )
2.Eee PC / 7 LED / under 1kg /
But I have to admit LED under 10 isn't a smart choice ( I'm not used to what I got is about 12 LED / 1.4 KG...and still pretty heavy for me to carry daily ...with battery n plug )
What we want is always different from what " we need "
Yes, I could go somewhere else, but there is no cyber café or such in my town. There's my sister's place, yes, but her PC isn't always available for me to use. (OK, I'll stop whining about it now!)
Kisses from "Selma" ^^
You got dvds, no?
When you think of Fanny...just choice one and play or close your eyes...listen the voice in your head ^^
People who can't get rid of pen n paper like us...felt part of us fade away when we do the computer things...
I keep diaries of my past for years...and turning those old hand writing of our own always made me smile
Kiss from TOMATO lol
I still keep my hand written diary. But I don't have as many pen pals as I used to have... on the other hand, the good thing is this is much faster...
I'm Lisa, really -- or, I think I am...
Chuik, chuik!
Now I'm going to see this models of notebook!
Ooohh I'm confused with a lot of and a lot of models of PC news and news...
Besitos pour toutes!!
We love you 'Lixanne'!!!!!
Jerocca!, thanks for la info, but there isn't that notebooks here at the moment (ufa!).
Besotes Ardantes!!!
Actually, the thing is - I used to use the name Roxanne a lot, because... well, I think you can guess: I'm such a romantic girl and love very much the film "Cyrano de Bergerac"! But at the same time, I couldn't fully identify with the beautiful Roxanne, the adored one, because I think of myself as a poet - more like Cyrano!! And therefor, Lixanne is a much better name for me...
Ok... enough said...
Abrazo XXL!