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12 de marzo de 1979...

Fanny Ardant, 12 de marzo de 1979
Fotografía de Picot/Stills/Gamma/Laif


Le chien de Fanny is for Jerocca!

Bisous Ardantes!
Anónimo dijo…

Just wondering is that a chien?

You did anwser me

by the way

I snapshot some from La Famiglia already

Yes...I reload the film ( but no peer for Afraid of dark/conseil of famille...)

WOuld you like to take a look

Although the action was silly ^^

bow bow from TOMATO
Anónimo dijo…
¿Quééééé? ¿Eso es un perro...? Buena imaginación o buena vista.

Jerocca, here is Afraid of the Dark for download, but dubbing to spanish.

Besos Ardantes!
Dear J


Really? I did answer you?

Now I doubted, looking well I don't know if it's a chien... but, he/she's is a dog...

Yes, for me is a chien, with security, near Fanny at left of the photo.

With pleasure I'll take a look!!

Un abrazo grande!
Dear Ani!

Yes girl, is a chien. Look good please... althoug seems a bag with a shawl but nobody will take a photo with this things near...

Abrazos Ardantes and bigs!
Dear J

I forgot... bow bow bow with bisous for DEAR TOMATO too...
Anónimo dijo…

we all "SEE" a chien instinctively
coz there's a chien inside me/us

The old slang of Chinese...

What we think, we become


so what we think
we see 2

just for example

Tks Ani
I'll try later

but I do remember the orginial is in English ( Afraid of the dark),no?

Anónimo dijo…
Yes, Jerocca, the original is in english, but I only found that. If I find in english I'll tell you!

About dogs, here we say "more I know people, more I love dogs".

Kisses Ardantes!
Anónimo dijo…


Anónimo dijo…
Ardantes you just funny here !!
I can't sleep, and bored me stiff and what I read ?

"Just wondering is that a chien? "
"we all "SEE" a chien instinctively
coz there's a chien inside me/us
The old slang of Chinese...

What we think, we become"

jaja, u'r great.
Oh Liliii !!

We've missed you !

Please, you go with us like little and ardantes chiens along and near of Fanny's life...

We are all "Taises"

Guau, guau y besos perrunos para todas!!!
Anónimo dijo…
jojojo Mily mily..I don't know if I want to be a ardante-chien :S
Ardante is good for the moment !!!
Even if I like dogs hm, I'm not Dogophobe.

"guau guau" = "bow bow" = wouaf wouaf" ? Interessante.

ps : I 'll probably go to les bouffes du nord in february...

Lili... jajaja !!!! You are a very good petite chienne !! Oooops, I believe that I said a vulgar thing ! :( jajaja

Please, you'll tell me all the details if you go to the theatre des bouffes du nord in february

Anónimo dijo…
!!!!! Oh !!!!!
Si !, es muy vulgaire ça !y muy feo ohoho.
Pero de ta part je le prends bien.

Je suis partie 1 semaine à Madrid,et il a NEIGÉ, y soy maldaaaad hoy !!

que tal à buenos aires ?

Chau chau !
Coucou Lilii !!!


Merciiii amiga de prende ça bien!

Feliz estadía à Madrid !!!!!!

Buenos Aires está hermosaaaaaa !!!! Mucho calor, mucho turismo, mucha diversión !!!!

Chau Chau !!!! Yo adoro tu español !!!!!!

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