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Audio Fanny Ardant en el "Festival des Arts de Moscu" organizado por Andreï Dellos el domingo 7 de junio de 2009


jasmine dijo…
This is an elegant photograph, Mily...thank you as always for sending this on to us. Thais where did you get a copy of Hello, Goodbye? I've been trying to find it everywhere. Can't wait. Always that anticipation...and your review makes it a must-have. Love you all....
Jerocca dijo…

ARE the eyes of Fanny's lighter ??

chuik chuik

( I saw the writer of " CHINA " this afternoon,n told her do love the artical she worte about Fanny Ardant decades ago .and guess what? She said You're so Fanny...goosh....

Ah, really? J you saw the writer of "China" and she wrote about Fanny ARdant?

Congratulations for your first cherry brownie!!!! Mmmm, delicious! Please, a big piece for me ♥ jeje

1.000.000 thanks for link of Hello goodbye ;D !!

Chuiks for all, I love you all the ardantes !!!
Jerocca dijo…
Mily...and all Ardantes

Some mv on youtube while Fa walks
on the red carbet with the crew of Visages
Dear J !

Ooohhh thanks for links!!! Now I'll watch !

Yesterday I downloaded "Hello, goodbye" but I can't watch it with my programs (windows media player, real player, quick time, nero, etc)
what programs I can use? which is your player for video?

Besitossss !
thaïs dijo…
Mily, what's the format of your copy of the movie? Anyway, you're only missing the correct codecs. Let me give you a link:
Download this codec pack and you'll be good to go, even if you choose to use Windows Media Player. You have to watch this movie! Jasmine, I can send you the link to download the file, if you don't have eMule to download it from J's link. By the way, I think I got Marie-Poupée. You guys would be interested in getting it, right? I'll check the file, to see if everything is all right, and will begin uploading it.
Lastly, I LOVE this picture to pieces. Thanks. ;)
Hola Thaïs ¿cómo estás?

El formato de la copia es .avi pero no lo puedo ver con ningún reproductor de los que tengo. Con el windows media player sólo escucho el audio pero no hay imagen.
Voy a intentar bajando esos codecs que vos me decís. Después te cuento.

Conseguiste un link con Marie-Poupée??? o entendí mal? Please, please, please, I want it !!

Ciaooo amiga besitos!
Thaïsss !!!!!

Aaaaahhhh aaaahhhh, bajé los codecs y empecé a ver la películaaaa !! Todavía no lo puedo creer, qué lindooo!

Aaaayyy gracias, mil gracias !!! Después que la vea, ahora el problema es conseguir subtítulos en español, te cuento qué me pareció el film.

Un abrazote inmeeeenso para ti y gracias de nuevo !

Chauuuuu ♥
thaïs dijo…
Todavía no hay subtítulos, ni en inglés, ni en español o portugués o francés. :( I think that Lisa is the one who speaks better French. Maybe she could help us after watching the movie. Me alegra que los codecs te hayan servido, Mily. Y sobre Marie-Poupée, lo que pasa es que lo bajé de eMule. Ahora lo voy a subir para que lo bajen ustedes. :D
Qué buena noticia entonces sobre Marie-Poupée! Por favor, después pasanos el link. Mil gracias Thaïs por todo ;D
jasmine dijo…
Okay, now you did it! Not only are you speaking computerese, which I clearly don't understand you then pick up on Spanish, which I don't understand. However....I love you a lot because you are the grandest people on the planet. It is all my problem and I cannot tell you how much I admire you for being able to speak other languages. What a loss it is for me. I have seen trailers for Hello, Goodbye...but downloading it???? I did that with "Sangue...." from Amazon which I can watch on my that what you mean? Where did you get it? Amazon isn't offering it yet. Oh it is all so complicated. Can you pretend you are talking to someone in kindergarten???
thaïs dijo…
Check your email, ladies. :)
Jerocca dijo…

couldn't open the files...why why why ( cried)
thaïs dijo…
You have to download all of them to the same folder, J. And then you double click on "part 1" and tell it to extract.
Jerocca dijo…

I did but ...try again now ^^

chuik chuik
thaïs dijo…
Check that every part has around 97MB. Sometimes when I download something, Firefox says it's finished when it really isn't, and I get incomplete files of 30, 40MB...
Lisa dijo…
Bonjour girls, I see that I have missed a few conversations again... but I have at least watched Hello Goodbye! Ma chère Thaïs, thank you for thinking so much of my French, but I must say that I am extremely frustrated by how very little I understand. That is, I feel that I understand the film as a whole, but I miss so much of the details of the conversations, I would like to understand so much more of what they say. With that said, I must add that I really love the film. Oh the food scene....

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Chat con Fanny Ardant publicado en Le Journal "Libération"