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Fanny Ardant estará presente junto a Sonia Wieder-Atherton en el Baalbeck International Festival (89 km de Beirut)

El viernes 10 de julio de 2009, en el magnífico Templo de Baco, Fanny Ardant acompañada por la violoncelista Sonia Wieder-Atherton, dará vida a dos heroínas trágicas de la historia de la literatura: Médée y Phèdre, de Eurípides y Racine respectivamente. El propósito de este encuentro, es crear un vínculo, gracias al sonido del Cello y de las palabras, entre estas dos grandes figuras quienes vivieron frecuentadas de mentiras, muerte, horror, violencia y por cierto, del amor trágico que lo destruye todo.
Baalbeck International Festival
Interview a Fanny Ardant en L'Orient Le Jour


jasmine dijo…
It's always amazing to me that I see things come to life when I've been thinking about them. Helen Mirren is about to do a telecast of Phedre and I have been obsessing on Fanny doing it and Medea, and Shakespeare's great heroes (yes male or female)...and it's making me crazy and here she is and will most likely do a reading (which I hope we can somehow hear, dear Mily thanks to I go heart is beating wildly....ahhhhhhhh
Dear Jasmine !!

It's my pleasure !! ♥
thaïs dijo…
Fanny and Shakespeare? That would be too much for me to handle. =P
jasmine dijo…
Of course she's "of an age" that the wonderful roles are now for younger women, but imagine her in Twelfth Night? Or As You Like It? Yikes! I was lucky enough to see Kate Hepburn in As You Like It and she was perfect. But I am still of the belief that Fanny is still in her prime and has many years more to go in great roles. Only problem is, of course, I'll never have an opportunitky to see her perform in theatre unless she comes to the US. Alas. Thais...I have copies of old programs for the opera Thais...want them? It's neat that you've chosen that's got a great sound. And Mily...Argentina is making the news all over the US thanks to an affair one of our governor's has had with Maria somebody. Is it news in Argentina? It's big time here because he was once considered presidential material. Don't like him though. He's a Republican who constantly talks about family values and here he is having an affair. Hypocrisy is the name of most politians I fear.
thaïs dijo…
Dear Jasmine, I'd love to have copies of your programs. But I didn't choose the name, my parents did. I mean, it's my real name. And, of course, my grandfather played some arias of the opera the day I was born. :) As for Shakespeare, I'd like to see F. in my favorites: Much Ado About Nothing and The Taming of the Shrew. "Merry war" would become her, don't you think?
Jasmine dijo…
Ah open my eyes again...yes, yes, yes to Taming of the Shrew...wonderful part for Fanny. I love it. And Much Ado About Nothing...Perfect. You see, once again Fanny is responsible for my opening my eyes (through you)...I return to Shakespeare, I've reread Medea, and will reread Phaedra. What wonderful motivation!!! Love
jasmine dijo…
Speaking of pictures previous to this one...I love this shot of is delicious!

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