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jasmine dijo…
Oh Mily, I've just been going through your archives and am having a wonderful time, particularly with interviews. Amazing gathering of material. You have really done Fanny Ardant such a remarkable favor.I would hope she knows this. I mean she must have some curiosity. No? It was also delightful to see letters from Jerocca, Thais, are such interesting women. I am so happy to have met you all and to think, we of such diverse backgrounds should all center our passion on this extraordinary talent, Fanny Ardant..Love
My frieeend Jasmineee!

Thanks for this beautiful words! Hermosas palabras from your heart.
All this is for love! Only for love to Fanny Ardant! Really, I don't know how she is, but exist in me an instinct that guides me towards good people.

Je t'adore thank you!
jasmine dijo…
Thank you for this lovely response. I have to believe that Fanny's agent keeps up with all online news about Fanny. It's her job just as it was mine only in my day all we had was newspaper clippings but the actor always wanted to read what was written. So I'm certain she has to be aware of this. It is a superior blog, without question. You've added brightness to my life. I've enjoyed it so much. With great love.
Michel Roland Pralong dijo…
Buenas Noches Fanny,
Soy Michel, enologo nacional, y trabajo durante mas de 10 horas al dia. Descanso durante periodos breves y uno de mis respiros es usted.
Jerocca dijo…
ohoh Jasmine

I can understood what's on your touched by the works of Mily,right ^^ same here

me busy as bee...but will date with Director tsai n the crew of Visage in his cafe " tsaileeliu " next next Sunday ^^

Jerocca dijo…
by the way

I'll ask something about FA for sure ...too excited... ( already got the reservation ^^)

how's everything all ardantes???
jasmine dijo… does this work. Do you know the director? Yes, yes, yes, you must tell us what he says about Ardant...though I can almost write the script for him...he will have loved her! I'm thinking of the leading lady in the film Fanny directed (my mind is not picking up on names)...her comment when asked how she liked working with Ardant..."she is a dream woman"....but we all know that, no?
Lisa dijo…
Jerocca: How exciting that you will meet Director Tsai! Yes, yes, Jasmine is right; you must tell us everything! I know that you will. ^^

Jasmine: I never thought about what you said; that Fanny must know of Mily's great work through her agent. I like that thought.
Jerocca dijo…
well well girls with all powers of Ardantes'

Jerocca will do my best ( even prepare Fanny's favorite : Chocolate ) jajaja

Mily is our 007 ,no? Lisa viva! Jasmine also ( Michel first welcome )

chuik chuik
Anónimo dijo…
Thank you Jerocca for including me in your circle...can't wait to hear from you about the interview. Happy, happy days.....
thaïs dijo…
Mily has created a lovely place where we can all share our thoughts on the work of this woman we admire so much. The only thing that could be better than this is if we could all meet in person.
jasmine dijo…
I'm with you on that dear Thais...there has to be a nice middle ground. Only problem with me is that I don't fly. So you see I'm stuck in a rather narrow perimeter. I think I'm limiting myself. Wish it could happen though. Perhaps. It would be great to center around something Fanny was doing. If only I were brave enough I would even go to Transylvania (I think I'm lying about that)....

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