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Blagnac y el Rex bajo el encanto de Fanny Ardant...

En este encuentro, organizado por el Rex de la ciudad de Blagnac el viernes 23 de octubre, Fanny Ardant presentó su film "Cendres et Sang" ante un público encantado con su presencia. La sala estaba a pleno, silenciosa y ella invadió el espacio con una mano en su cabello. Su voz subió la temperatura, cautivante. La magia Fanny Ardant es única e intensa y el público del Rex, subyugado, retuvo el aliento en ese instante. Luego de la proyección del primer film de la actriz, donde la belleza plástica contrastó con la oscuridad absoluta del tema proyectado, sus palabras lo explicaron todo. Fanny respondió a todas las preguntas, con pasión: "Mi placer como actriz está intacto, pero durante el tiempo que he estado haciendo teatro me quedaba mucho tiempo libre y en esos largos momentos, yo comencé a escribir el guión y a pensar en las imágenes para un film muy ritualizado. El resultado es algo oscuro, porque la naturaleza es oscura. Me gustan las obras sombrías, como si curiosamente, éstas me dieran más deseos de vivir. Siento atracción como rechazo: voilà si esto ocurre deben evitarlo!".
La actriz también explicó que: "No he actuado en mi película porque todos los personajes me interesaban, hombres y mujeres sobre todo y es muy difícil estar en ambos lados de la cámara. Dirigir un film requiere gran cantidad de energía. Es como un bebé que quieres presentar al mundo!. Pero he estado muy feliz durante el rodaje. Lo he vivido como una experiencia enriquecedora y poderosa. ¿Asegurarse de que volveré a filmar?, es muy probable". Luego agregó que "este primer film no anduvo muy bien, sin embargo cada vez que me encontré con alguien, como esta noche en Blagnac, me han dicho muchas cosas lindas, sobre cosas que yo he puesto allí y esto es una gran recompensa para mí porque me dieron una gran alegría. De todos modos, me he inspirado en François Truffaut, que siempre ha actuado con pasión y entusiasmo, y que ha desplegado una energía como para mover montañas. Se trata más de una lección de vida que de cine."
Agradecimientos a Depeche Francia - Fotografía DDM


jasmine dijo…
Hi everyone..thank you Mily for this latest update and also the previous ones. I've got to catch up a bit. Jerocca, hope you read this, I had a question for you. I just saw an odd, charming film called "Voyage of the Red Balloon" directed by Hsiao-hsien Hou, released in 2007. It starred Juliette Binoche but also a charming, very attractive actress called Fang Song. I wonder if you have heard of her? The film was shot in documentary style, very low-key, but captivating. I'm so curious about Fang Song and the director. What has he done previously? They are from Taiwan and I understand he is one of the greats. Thank you dear friend. Love (this does not mean I am not always thinking of Fanny, however)...
Hi my friend...

I missed you. I saw this film because I love Juliette Binoche too but I always think of Fanny Ardant...

I can't remember the script of this film... What's the history?

Abrazos XL !!!
Jerocca dijo…
Wish I was there ...listen to Fanny's speech

Here's a petit pic of Fanny plays piano in " Visage"
Thanks J for the link!

Fanny with Moreau and Baye? Please one photo with Fanny plays piano !!!!! do you have? and with the apple?

Jerocca dijo…

did you see " that small pic " of Fanny yet? ( according to the link )

About the director
One of greatest directors in Taiwan.He's " good at" one shoot...without editing...almsot same as director tsai ( or you might said tsai is silmiar with his style...coz hou is early famous than tsai...)

I've never hear of Fang Song till this film..coz she's from the mainland ( China) n still an grad student(studies director for sure).This is her first film as an actress I'm sure^^

Glad you like the film n Hou did have some great works such as " A City of Sadness" in 1989 ( nice soundtrack also...strong recommand) n " THREE TIMES " in 2005 ( my personal prefer ...)
jasmine dijo…
Hi to everyone...I'm so glad to hear from you. The picture I referred to The Voyage of the Red Balloon had so little plot that it was interesting to watch. Jerocca explained the director's method and it shows in this film. As though he shot just once and edited loosely. It works. Binoche looks very different than she usually does, but is still good in this. I was quite taken with the young actress who played the nanny to the little boy. Very boyish and appaling. Gentle. I could see that she was not a professional actress. It shows and yet it works for her. I love the pictures of Fanny and always enjoy reading the interviews portions because I learn so much about her thinking process and her vulnerabilities and how they work for her as an actress. She is not afraid to use these parts of her personna. It's always so intriguing hearing her talk about these things and as always, I'm sad that I am unable to understand her in her native language and must rely on translations that are not always accurate. But better than nothing at all. Thank you dear friends...I'm hoping to get back on track again. So much to do this time of year! Raking leaves and burning brush. Love to you all...and thank you Jerocca for responding...
jasmine dijo…
I just looked at my note and see I meant to use the word "appealing" for the young woman in the film, not "appalling"...which means something totally different and that's what's wrong with translations.

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