Lumir, la hija mayor de Fanny Ardant, se ha casado el sábado 7 de junio en París, con Olivier Vallencien, jefe de una Sociedad de Restauración. Después de pasar por el Alcalde del Distrito de Ille, la joven pareja se dirigió a la Iglesia Saint-Jacques du Haut-Paus. La acompañaba su madre, radiante a pesar del mal tiempo en la ciudad, junto a sus otras dos hijas, Joséphine, de 25 años, la hija de François Truffaut, y de Baladine, de 18 años, que ella ha tenido junto a su actual compañero, el realizador Fabio Conversi. La familia muy pronto aumentará su número de integrantes, debido a que la hermosa Lumir espera un bebé para el mes de septiembre próximo. Todos nuestros mejores deseos de felicidad para Lumir y Olivier y para nuestra querida Fanny Ardant. Millones de Gracias por la Noticia y las Fotos a Isa Fotografías y Material de Purepeople
Samari, ve por mí por favor a saludar a Madame Ardant a San Pablo...
pero mira tu que chevere q pase el atlántico y que venga hasta por aquí!!!..
un besito y fuerza amiga!!!
Besitos amiga y estamos en contacto
FA arrives Brasil in november and I can't go to see her... Can you to go for me at the Festival of Sao Paulo? hahaha!
Thais is far away too... But when Fanny goes to New York you will be the assigned Agent, yes?
Love love love my dear friend Jasmine, some day we will be together in some place with Fanny...
Te quiero mucho!
Best wishes to Thais and Ardantes ^^ Love NY ( my favorite city )
This pic remind FA in moscow,remember???
nice shot ^^
yes, can you contact with your old contact from the movie industry for to take contact with Ardant? with a letter or something...?
It would be very beautiful to talk with her a few minutes, having a trivial chat with her, no?
but I remember that
A girl in Romania had to go to give an award to Fanny when she filmed "Callas Forever". This girl is a fan "in silence" of Fanny and when she knocked her door she was not said nothing to her for not disturb her modesty, humility, her simplicity (the girl said this). She only gave the award to Fanny and she said good bye. She tell me that she could speak with Zefirelli some minutes. To me I would happen the same. I would not show in front of Fanny my nervousness (if I can) and that I feel desire of crying, I would do later going toward my home.
Yeeeees, this photo of the news is from Rusia... It's correct !!
Ciao dear girls Jasmine and Jerocca
Anyway, Globo sucks, I doubt they'll mention the festival. I'll give you some newspaper links that we can follow. If we find anything, I can buy it and scan the article.
This is the online cultural section of one of the main newspapers in the country (it's from São Paulo):
The actual site is here:
I'm officialy depressed toooo !!!
Mil gracias por los links! Ahí saldrá algo, a medida que vaya habiendo noticias, no?
En el site del Festival no hay casi nada. Seguramente a medida que se acerque la fecha de la apertura, tendremos más noticias.
All Ardantes ^^
With Love
Depressed without FA
( depression is sort of " cathc a cold " ...for more n send the patients with best wishes ...take your time...)