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Fanny Ardant llega a San Pablo el 2 de noviembre al 33º Festival Internacional de Cine...

La prensa de Brasil, anuncia la llegada de Fanny Ardant al 33º Festival Internacional de Cine de San Pablo. El evento que comienza el 23 de octubre, tendrá la presencia de la actriz de "La femme d'à côté". Fanny Ardant presentará allí su primera película como directora, "Cendres et Sang". Renata de Almeida, directora del espectáculo, dice que "la actriz será homenajeada de sorpresa al llegar a San Pablo, el 2 de noviembre, ya que pidió ser tratada como una cineasta novata. Fanny dijo que desea no recibir ningún honor, pero estamos más que felices de tener a una figura como ella en Brasil y no podemos dejar pasar este momento", concluyó. Luego agregó: "Vamos también a exhibir algunos clásicos protagonizados por ella, como la "Mujer de al lado" de François Truffaut y "La cena" de Ettore Scola, haciendo un miniciclo en su honor".


Anónimo dijo…
Tan cerca y tan lejos!!! ni modo pendiente de la Rede Globo...
Tan cerca y tan lejos!! Por qué no tendré un jet privado para irme y volver en el día, jeje.

Samari, ve por mí por favor a saludar a Madame Ardant a San Pablo...

Anónimo dijo…
Hola Mily: me encantaria pero no es posible =(
pero mira tu que chevere q pase el atlántico y que venga hasta por aquí!!!..
un besito y fuerza amiga!!!
jasmine dijo…
Oh God what are you doing to me guys?!!! Can't wait to hear more....this is another be still my beating heart moment...
Síí, super chevere !! Ella estuvo por estos lados hace un par de años. Creo que cuando filmó "Le fils du français" no sé si en Brasil o Venezuela. También visitó Nueva York si no recuerdo mal.

Besitos amiga y estamos en contacto
Dear Jasmine!!

FA arrives Brasil in november and I can't go to see her... Can you to go for me at the Festival of Sao Paulo? hahaha!

jasmine dijo…
I am not amused, Mily. Oh I can't believe you can't go. But of course it is too far away...I'm sad for you but how about Thais????? You know those of us who live in the US think everyplace else is close, an easy drive. Because we are not always very bright. I wish again it was possible for all of us to go. Love, love, love...
Ooooh Jasmineee!!!

Thais is far away too... But when Fanny goes to New York you will be the assigned Agent, yes?

Love love love my dear friend Jasmine, some day we will be together in some place with Fanny...

Te quiero mucho!
jasmine dijo…
Oh yes, if Fanny goes to NY (my hometown) it will take only 2 hours for me to be there! And I would be there for as long as she is there. Now all we have to do is figure out a way to make it happen. Wish I had all my old contacts from the movie industry. I can use them now. But isn't it wonderful that hope continues to thrive in our hearts. Dear friends...I love you all.
Jerocca dijo…
Dear all

Best wishes to Thais and Ardantes ^^ Love NY ( my favorite city )

This pic remind FA in moscow,remember???

nice shot ^^

yes, can you contact with your old contact from the movie industry for to take contact with Ardant? with a letter or something...?

It would be very beautiful to talk with her a few minutes, having a trivial chat with her, no?

but I remember that

A girl in Romania had to go to give an award to Fanny when she filmed "Callas Forever". This girl is a fan "in silence" of Fanny and when she knocked her door she was not said nothing to her for not disturb her modesty, humility, her simplicity (the girl said this). She only gave the award to Fanny and she said good bye. She tell me that she could speak with Zefirelli some minutes. To me I would happen the same. I would not show in front of Fanny my nervousness (if I can) and that I feel desire of crying, I would do later going toward my home.


Yeeeees, this photo of the news is from Rusia... It's correct !!

Ciao dear girls Jasmine and Jerocca
thaïs dijo…
Ok, I'm officially depressed!

Anyway, Globo sucks, I doubt they'll mention the festival. I'll give you some newspaper links that we can follow. If we find anything, I can buy it and scan the article.

This is the online cultural section of one of the main newspapers in the country (it's from São Paulo):

The actual site is here:
thaïs dijo…
Also, I looked for already published articles about her and the festival, and there were none.

I'm officialy depressed toooo !!!

Mil gracias por los links! Ahí saldrá algo, a medida que vaya habiendo noticias, no?

En el site del Festival no hay casi nada. Seguramente a medida que se acerque la fecha de la apertura, tendremos más noticias.

Jerocca dijo…
Welcome back

All Ardantes ^^

With Love

Depressed without FA

( depression is sort of " cathc a cold " ...for more n send the patients with best wishes ...take your time...)

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