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Harper's Bazaar Rusia, Septiembre de 2009... Divina


jasmine dijo…
Can you translate "mmmm" for me dear Mily. Though I'm not sure I could add anything better! Really nice pictures and again, she is so that what is so appealing? It certainly is to me. I get this feeling she is now beyond posing. Maybe even shy about it. Thank you forever for keeping up this blog which I know must be difficult. You do all of us such a grand service. Love you always...Oh yes, there is a new restaurant (just a small place), near where I live called Tango. I mentioned that I have a dear email friend and she said, "tell her I come from (I think she said) Mendoza? Is that possibly correct. The food was wonderful. I had a fried, stuffed pirogi-like but better, dish. Now you say "mmmmmm". No, it's not the same. We should say "yummmmm"
Hola my dear friend Jasmine

Aha, the meaning of word "Mmm..." is that I haven't words to express what I think about her, hehe. Obvious I can add beauty, vulnerable, shy person, appealing, out of breath, fire, intensity, passion, love at first sight, faint, Oedipus complex, etc...

Mendoza? Yeeees !!! It's one of my favorite places, Argentine province, the place of the wine, the grapes, famous wineries, place of the sun. In february I would like go to the celebration of "The Grape Harvest Festival"...

Here the link of the Festival and Info:

Oooohhh Jasmine, how many remembers you have brought to me... I went to Mendoza when I finished my secondary school and in the wineries gave us wine bottles like souvenirs... I drunk very much in that times... hehe

In "Tango" there's food and music tango or only food?

Besitos, abrazos y muchos Mmm, Mmm, Mmm... for you
jasmine dijo…
And I'll take all of, the wine and the mmm's....Mendoza sounds fantastic and I will check the site. I must go back to the restaurant and tell her about your email. There was no tango music when I was there but you know I've always loved that kind of dance and music, also Flamenco and Fado...omigoodness, now It's my turn to remember. I'll take a picture to send you. Yes, yes, yes, to all you say about Fanny. I still spend so much time trying to understand why, at my age, I am so totally enchanted by this woman. Perhaps it's just a mystery I'll just enjoy and not try to analyze. A warm embrace from me to you, kisses on both cheeks, Love (oh yes, how to I include a picture of myself on your site? I'm not sure I'd like it cause I'm not very gorgeous...but I think it would be neat....I was just told from someone I know on FaceBook that I need to have a photo so maybe I'll try it...
Dear Jasmine,

Yes, I would like that you're in Facebook. I can help you in everything. It's very easy and you can do it because I believe that you are very inteligente, smart. Tell me your doubts.

Of couuurse!!, you can tell her about my email and please you take a picture of "Tango". Super, great, thanks my friend !!

A warm embrace from me to you too and 1000 kisses on both cheeks my dear friend.

Hasta pronto y te quiero mucho ♥

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