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Audio en español de Fanny Ardant en España (2003) - Primera Parte

Agradecimientos muy especiales a Samari por enviarme esta bomba directa a mi corazón. Gracias.


CoCoTte dijo…
Alalala, elle parle espanol avec l'accent francais et la manière d'une italienne... cette femme me ressemble jour après jour... ou ça sera plutot moi qui m'ardantizo tjs pls! :p
En tout cas, c tjs le pls beau cadeau me connecter sur ton syte.. c retrouver mon 'tit coin de paradis sous un coin de parapluie ardantesque!!! :)

Voilà mon petit coucou... hier une chose bizarre m'est arrivée. J'étais en train d'interviewer un professeur à la Sorbonne, on est passé dans un petit bar près de Saint Germain pour que je puisse lui poser quelques questions et que vois-je? L'affiche de Visage... (que j'irai voir dès que je peux). Et alors il me dit "Ah, il sera un très bon film! J'irai avec ma femme ce soir. Vous savez, je suis un grand ami de Fanny Ardant ( O_o) !!!!! Silence... je suis tombée en coma émotionnel... je n'ai pls rien dit en attendant qu'on me servait le café... après avec salivazione ridotta a zero je me suis dit "merde, sois professionnel!!! fais cet interview!" et g commence à poser mes questions.... pffff, quelle journéE!... une autre déboute... je vous pense mes chères ardantes, ac l'espoir caméra sur l'épaule de pouvoir croiser notre beneamata gran dama du ciné :p

Lisa dijo…
Ooohh, Coco!! :) You're a journalist? Too bad that this professeur, le grand ami de Fanny, didn't offer to introduce you to her...!! :D
Aaahh Cocooo !!! Qué maravillaaaa!!!!

¿No le contaste al profesor sobre tu cariño por Fanny Ardant?

STP !!! Si a mí me pasa eso, le cuento discretamente sobre mi admiración por esa señora tan querida del cine francés. Creo que no podría dejar de comentarle algo al profesor y trataría de hablar algo al respecto, je.

Qué bueno Coquitaaa !!! Siempre suceden momentos coincidentes que lo dejan a uno sans mots en la bouche... ¿Será magia o destino?

Besitos ♥
CoCoTte dijo…
Serà la magia del destino ma douce Mily!!! ^^
jasmine dijo…
Good grief women, are you simply trying to drive me crazy??? Or us crazy??? What are you saying to each other that those of us who have such a limited and narrow vocabulary can understand. Tho I could see that there was much love here. So I'll send my own to you. You must know how jealous I am that Fanny did an audio interview in Spanish so that you could understand everything she said. There is only one interview in english but it is short. I like it when the interview has subtitles as another one did. Alas....
Lisa dijo…
Dear Jasmine... we do love you and don't want you to feel left out! :) Coco said that FA speaks spanish with French accent and in italian style and that she, Coco, does the same. :) Then she tells us that a strange thing happened to her the other day. She was going to interview a professor at the Sorbonne, and they went to a little bar close to Saint Germain. They see a poster for Visage, and the professor says: "That must be a very good film. I am goin with my wife tonight. You know, I am a great friend of FA!"... This makes Coco speechless (!!!), but she tries to pull herself together to get on with the interview....

And then Mily say that if she had been in that situation, she wouldn't have been able to not tell the professor about her admiration for Fanny..... and I think I agree with that! :)

I know; it would be great if everything came with subtitles, but...
jasmine dijo…
Oh darling dear friend, thank for responding so kindly to my craziness...I think I would have asked the professor to find a way to introduce me to Fanny. I would have begged him to give me the chance to meet her, to express my deep appreciation for her artistry and work (of course not talking about her great beauty and attraction). No, I don't think I could have let that moment slip. Perhaps Coco can still have this opportunity. In my former work, our entire life was motivated by contacts, contacts, contacts. You keep phone lists of who to call when you needed something. So Coco...find a way to get back to the professor to tell him how much you admire Fanny and how much it would mean to you to have the opportunity to tell her so one-on-one....Ah, it is so easy to talk. If I were there, perhaps a wave of shyness would take over. Love you for sharing again this kind of expderience....
Jerocca dijo…
Professor something??


to be continued.... ( add for Coco all ardantes )jajaja
J !!

In facebook I put some details (two) in audio number 1

To be continued... Chuiks!

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