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Audio de Fanny Ardant, invitada excepcional de Olivier Bellamy en su programa "Passion Classique"


Lisa dijo…
Querida Mily, I have been absent from your blog for too long! But whenever that happens, I'm always happy to return to find many treasures...

I love this wonderful interview! Admittedly, I can't understand all of what's being said (especially as I have been trying to write while listening) but of course, I could listen again and again...

One thing she said that I like is that when she is in another country, she likes to listen to the music of that country. I can't help but wonder if she would like Swedish folk music!? (We have many sad, melancholy pieces with much passion...) And knowing that she is so fond of opera and classical music, I wonder if she likes our Jussi Björling. I understand he's much appreciated in other countries.

Yes... listening to what Fanny says always makes me think so much...

Happy New Year to you, Mily!
Dear lisa thanks for your belles words. Are divines to start 2010 a full !!

Ooohh you are our aid for understand the audios and texts, you are essential...

In this audio... Ooohh I believe that I died of love with Fanny's musical tastes. Ah yes, she also said that she liked Argentine tango.

Oui, Fanny loves melancholic music. I believe that she would enchant with Swedish music. You could give to her a CD plein of Swedish music, special selection with sad pieces. I also want to listen something to know. whom I can listen to begin?

Very Happy New Year to you too, for your family and Bob, obvious and special regard for him !
Lisa dijo…
Ah, I know that there are others who can be more helpful than me, but of course; when I can, I'm happy to help! In this case, though, I need to listen more....

Yes, that is a wonderful thought - to send her a CD with musique suédoise! :) I wish that I could do that..... To you, my dear, I can give those youtube links:
(Vårvindar friska = Fresh winds of spring – old traditional folksong, still very popular – this version is by a Norwegian singer who sometimes sings in Swedish. This song is always sung on the last of April [the day we celebrate spring every year], often with by men’s choirs. This is a version by a choir with male singers:
(O tysta ensamhet = Oh silent loneliness – old song from the mid 19th century)
(Ack, Värmeland du sköna = O thou fair Värmland [Värmland is a region of Sweden], old song in jazz style by Monica Zetterlund)
(När som jag var på mitt adertonde år = As I was on my eighteenth year – traditional Swedish folksong)
(När barnen mister mor och far = When the children are losing their mother and father – traditional Swedish folk song)
(Av längtan till dig = Longing for you – a modern song in traditional style)
(Stilla ro och nära = Quiet peace, close by – a modern song in traditional style)
(För kärlekens skull = For love’s sake – a popular ballad from 1983)
(Hårgalåten = The song of Hårga; old folk song)

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Harto ya de alabar tu piel dorada, tus externas y muchas perfecciones, canto al jardín azul de tus pulmones y a tu tráquea elegante y anillada. Canto a tu masa intestinal rosada, al bazo, al páncreas, a los epiplones, al doble filtro gris de tus riñones y a tu matriz profunda y renovada. Canto al tuétano dulce de tus huesos, a la linfa que embebe tus tejidos, al acre olor orgánico que exhalas. Quiero gastar tus vísceras a besos, vivir dentro de ti con mis sentidos... Yo soy un sapo negro con dos alas. Baldomero Fernández Moreno


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