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Audio Fanny Ardant en el "Sguardi Altrove" 2010

Fanny fue invitada especial del 17º Festival "Sguardi Altrove" de Milán, hoy 8 de marzo (Día Internacional de la Mujer) presentando su primer film como realizadora, "Cendres et Sang" y fue entrevistada por Barbara para Babel al Profumo de Mimose, una transmisión de Radio Popolare.


Malwina dijo…
Beautiful woman! I like how she was dressed:) nice high-heels, aren't they?:)

I don't understand the interview, but it's nice to hear her, thanks for it:)

I'll respond to your e-mail soon;)
Hi Malwina!!

Yes, she's super special woman! and yeees, she's in high-heels. Look this photo please:

I don't understand the interview too, hahaha!

Do you have an account in facebook? there I put some photos of this event...

Ok, I'll waiting for your email. Sorry for my bad english, hehe.

Jerocca dijo…
Agree with 2 ardantes above ^^
Translation plssss

Coco?? (Is this interview in Italian?I guess so )

Hola Malwina n no.7
Temperture 9 degree from TW
Translation translation translation for Ardantes please !!!

J !!!!

I'm Ardante number 7 !!

Malwina is number 8

Brrr froid froid intense, here in Buenos Aires 27º yet
Malwina dijo…
What's going on with these numbers? ;>

Here, in my city now it's 0º (time: 18:17) :) I can't wait for spring! :)

Mily, I have an account in facebook (from the short time and I don't often use it, so it's little blank). I've just seen the photos :)

Also my English isn't so perfect, so don't worry:) the most important thing is that we understand each other:D
Hi Malwinaaa!

With respect the numbers is a very special history. Some years ago when we knew (in internet) with some Fanny's fans we formed a "very select group of fans" of her called "Les Ardantes". Each one had a number. Because We were in different countries and when Fanny was in that country (the country of this ardante) this fan had to go to a realise "a mission": for example, go to see Fanny when she played in some theatre, when she was in x event, or go to watch a new film of Fanny, etc and then the ardantes would tell us. You are so special and Jerocca (ardante number 5)accepted you giving you a number (ardante number 8). It is only somewhat sympathetic.

0º in your country??? brrrrrr!!! I would like very much to know your country, perhaps someday, no?...

Kiss ;D
jasmine dijo…
Now you've done it again darling Mily....I don't have a number, but it's okay, I came late to the I'll just sit back and enjoy the lovely conversation. Welcome Malwina...I've been hibernating here in Woodstock...but always check Fanny's you all...and Lisa...I will respond to your wonderful email....
Jasmineee !! Dear Jasmine why do you haven't a number? really? you are so special ardante too. Do you like the number 9 or you choice one. Love you forever dear ardante!! Always Welcome!
Frío Frío in EveryWhere!
jasmine dijo…
I'll take it my sweet friend...I feel part of you and the other Ardantes always, number or not.
Lisa dijo…
Hi Jasmine! And hi Malwina, I want to welcome you, too. :) Where in the world are you?

Yeah, I remember when we came up with that idea with the numbers... but I must confess I've forgotten what my number is! Lili is #1, right?!

I can't understand the interview either!! Only a few words like "donna"... Oh, Italian... We need Coco, or Thaïs!!

Still cold here in Sweden... sunny, but only zero degrees today.
Lisaaa !!!

Here the list of original Ardantes:

Number 1 Agent Ardantic Lili Ardant

Number 2 Agent Ardantic Cris Ardant

Number 3 Agent Ardantic Ani Ardant

Number 4 Agent Ardantic Lisa Ardant

Number 5 Agent Ardantic Jerocca Ardant

Number 6 Agent Ardantic Coco Ardant

Number 7 Agent Ardantic Mily Ardant

but the others girls? Thaïs, Malwina, Carmen, Jasmine, Ileana, Marcela?

Zero degrees? Uf, and my cher Bob? how is my little pup with this cold?
Lisa dijo…
Haha, okay... yes, now I remember that I'm number four! :)

Bob likes cold! He is very, very furry, you know. With all his white hair, he thinks that cold weather is better than heat. But Bob has been acting strange for some time now. We have a corridor in the house between the kitchen and the bedrooms. Now he is afraid to walk in the end of the corridor and into the kitchen! He refuses to go there! But we let him out through a door in one of the bedrooms, and then he comes in through the kitchen door. And then he has no problem walking in the corridor, past that same spot, but in the other direction!! He can go one way but not the other! We can't understand why Bob does this strange thing...
Probably Bob has fear or stress for any situation that lived or something. The family should accompany him on this tour, when he goes and when he comes. For him is very stressful this situation I supposed and because your family is his "pack" all family should acompany him and see what him does.

Kiss for my Bob!
Lisa dijo…
Oh yes, the family is indeed Bob's "pack"! Well, it's not eaasy to know what else to try. Even if I walk by his side, he doesn't want to go. Even if I give him ham or sausages, he doesn't take it, and if we put the leash on him, he sits still. He is very stubborn. When he wants to go out in the garden, he ususally scratches the kitchen door. But he doesn't do that anymore; he scratches my doorframe, and then he walks in front of me to my mum's bedroom where I let him out. Very strange...
Mmm... yes, it's very strange. But I think that Bob is the sign of Taurus and is very stubborn like peoples of taurus, lol

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