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Anónimo dijo…
Aaahhh!!! No entiendo qué dice pero me encanta.

Besotes Ardantes!

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El formulario de comentarios está dando un error momentáneamente. Se puede poner como anónimo, agregando el nombre al final o pinchando en Nombre/URL y donde dice (opcional) agregar cualquier dirección web (por ejemplo o la que quieran)

Anónimo dijo…
Que chulino tu blog .
Carina de Asunción
Anónimo dijo…

any backgroud story of this clip, pls ?

with Love
Dear J

I don't know... only I know that Fanny talk about Ridicule...

Divine Film for divine actress, non?


Temperature en Argentina: 33º uf!!
Anónimo dijo…
Dear M

really? about Ridicule??
But Fanny looks so young in the clip...1996?'re kidding me ^^

in the past few days we're in a mess...very painful to see "protest " result in brute force somehow

Why there's no room for peace ?
Protest with peace ...
Really dear J? which was the cause? why they protested?

They are the final times... according the Bible! the profhecies are being fulfilled, there is much violence in the world... :(


Un abrazo grande !
Anónimo dijo…
Hola Jerocca!

What happened? It was in your country?
I only know that the world is crazy, people is crazy! All around the world!!!

Dear J !!

Today I received photos of Fanny with her dog and your conclusions are very interesting... Now, I saw the beginning of Vivement and zas! the same dog !

You have opened my mind !!!!

Ahaaa, he/she's her dog.

Dog of FA is alike of Tomato ?

Are all right the snapshots? Do you want others?

Anónimo dijo…
Dear A + M and all

About the protest in Taiwan recently truly hurt my feeling...I don't understand the party who hold the reins of goverment before - act exactly the same as mobs , and the majority did the same thing above while they're out of the main silly they are /with violence / the name of freedom

Maybe I'm much more neutrality than most of the people in Taiwan

But really don't understand what's the good of being barbarians

we totally understand their will but the way of protest ends in such a words

Thanks for your concern
May the world with peace

Pls see here to learn more -->

Chen Yulin ends historic visit

ARATS chairman leaves Taipei

sunshine M

probably because I got TOMATO ^^
so...very "sensitive" to what I interesting such as Fanny n dogs ^^

well Tomato is almost the same size as the dog with Fanmy in the early years ( not Thais)...and very alike ( beside the different color )

My love to dogs/Fanny is way beyond the " normal standard"....I suppose...jajaja
Most of people must think I'm crazy but not you folks

with love / and kiss from Tomato (he took a bath today )
Guauuuu ma cherie friend J !!!!

I'm moved... with your comment...

I'm with you!


Now, I want to know what happen in Taiwan with the protests...

And my love to dogs and Fanny Ardant is way beyond the "normal standard" too... We are too, and three, and four, and... and... infinity...

I love TOMATO !!!!!

Chau amiga, te quiero muuuucho!

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