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Audio Promo Fanny Ardant en el Teatro La Fenice de Venecia

En el Teatro La Fenice, esta noche 16 de marzo de 2009, Fanny Ardant por Stravinsky... Un concierto único en el Fenice de Venecia. En el escenario para "Histoire du Soldat" de Stravinsky también un ícono del cine y del teatro francés, Fanny Ardant, con su voz recitante...


Anónimo dijo…
Anónimo dijo…
ah, qndje vivais là elle n'st jms venue notre divine.... :(
aaahhhhh, g la poisse, c officiel!!! :p

bissss d'invidia per i veneziani fotunati, bacissssssimi da Parigico SOLE :D
Anónimo dijo…
why Molly can get the voice so soon????why why why

Holy Coco

How's your legs now?
Love NY with white topping??

Hola Cheries Filles

Cocoooo ça va?

We missed so much you par ici !

Hi J !!

Yes, I can get the voice so soon because... because... I could go to Venice with her... Jojojo!

Besitos para Todos!
Lisa dijo…
Hola Mily dear,
oh, you can go to Venice with her, can you? Ah, you superwoman could do everything of course! ^^

Again, long time no see, but here I come, and I see you have new audio clips here. And oh, I honestly didn't think I would have to say this kind of thing again, but... I can't hear it! :( I know it's nothing wrong with the sound itself on my computer this time, but something IS wrong, since I can't hear any of the things you've got collected here. :(

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you that I've just recently finished watching "El año del diluvio". Since it's in español, I think of you of course. (I think I remember you girls talking about the movie quite some time ago...)

Besitos para Todos!
Deaaaar Liiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaa !!!


I missed you all this time!

Please, where are you?

and my cher Bob? Oooohhhh, lo quiero mucho !!

Thanks for remember me with "El año del diluvio"... Do you like this film? and Fanny in this rol?

Un abrazo grande para ti and for my querido Bob!
Anónimo dijo…
Me too I miss u sooooooooooooooooooooo much, my dear Ardantes, gardiennes des secretes de la divineeee!!!

My leg is ok finally, I can't practise tennis as j'aimerais, mais bon... c déjà bien ca,non? :D

Un bisouuuuu fort fort fort et à la prochaine aventure.. je cherche à télécharger hello goodby pr vs le passer mais impossible à le RAGE!!! :p
Cocottisssssssimaaaaaa !!!

Hola Bellezaaaa !!!

Ooohh certamente your leg, was injured by accident... is all right? are you ok?

Ayy, I was looking for a link of Hello goodbye and impossible à le trouver... please if you could find a link send me it pleeeeease dear girl!!!

You practise tennis? I loooove tennis!!

Chuik chuik!!
Anónimo dijo…
How's the weather in Venice??

( teasing me...nope)
( give me audio or nothing...)
In Venice is winter and on saturday will be spring...

Tomorow I'll send you the audio!

Ciao nena Besitos!
Anónimo dijo…

seems I'll arrive Venice this two days...catch you there Mily,Lisa n Cocotte ( and all Ardantes of course )

jajaja ( you did read my mind or Am I did something too obvious ???hope to get the audio soon )
Lisa dijo…
Oh, I've been right here... sort of, I've been a little busy with writing.

Si, si, I like El año del diluvio, do you? I think Fanny's preformance as Sor Consuelo is very convincing and powerful. (Et elle est très belle, comme toujours - especially when she changes her nun's robes to that lovely dress, don't you think?)

Bob says: Muchos besitos para mi querida Mily!! ... Then I'll tell you that there is still snow here, but spring is slowly coming; Bob is digging in the dirt and has a very dirty face! But he is very happy. :)

Next movie to watch will be L'odore del sangue......

Yes, I like very much "El año del diluvio" and Fanny as Sor Consuelo. Très beauty face as sor...

Uffff, "L'Odore del Sangue"... please, watch it and then I wait your opinion. I watched it in italian and I hope to watch it with subtitles in spanish...

Boooobbb !! mi querido Bob !! jaja what pretty! he's very white and very dirty will be more pretty, jaja

Chauuuuu besitossss
J !!

Uuuuhhh, I forgot !! Now I send you the audiooooooo !!

Yeeees, we are in Venice with all the Ardantes... jajaja

Anónimo dijo…
Bunch silly ,crazy but happily Ardantes

glad I'm one of yours ^^
me like Fanny in nun's dress ( very beautiful )n the story also ( made me cried in the end..coz what she wrote...goosh)
When she's old,the bird still remember the word of God..then she fall...jajaja

Lisa is writing about Bob's stories?Tomato is fine but getting older .And he hopes to paly with Bob someday in the snowy snowy place

MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmily,seems we're busy with Fanny's schedule,how can't I blame you thought

by the way

see you guys tomorrow at brunch

Lisa dijo…
Next time Bob digs in the dirt, I'll take a picture and send to you! ^^
Anónimo dijo…




Dear J

So I couldn't wait too, but...

I wanted to shout...

De rien dear J for the audio !

Chuikssss !!!

Today, we'll cook a big cake !!


Dear Lisaaa !!

Yeees, please send me a picture of Bob !! Aaaahhh Bobbbb !!

Thanks for mail, I'll answer you very soon !!!

Chuiksssss !!!!

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