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Fanny Ardant con Sylvie Brunet en el programa "Vivement Dimanche" conducido por Michel Drucker en el año 2002


Cocooooooo dijo…
Grande Mily a puubblicare qsto video..!!
Niente di meglio che cominciare la giornata con il viso di Fanny e una voce lirica incantevole come sottofondo :D

Pour ce qui concerne les subtitres je chercherai partout et au pire je te les créerai moi meme.. mais en espagnol je sais pas si je suis je te les ecrivis en italien ca serait compréhensible pour toi? :)

Kisses belles ardantes, vivement mardi

Jerocca dijo…

still screaming...

my portable is dead .all things gone ( tks God I kept Fanny's music in notebook as second copy but the film / all my personal pics...)

Well Fanny's new mv cheer me up a bit

hi coco above ^^
Aaaaahhhh Cocoooooooo!!

siiiiiiii, tu es une génie! c'est une grande faveur pour moi, avec les sous-titre écrits dans italien, je le traduis à l'Espagnol!!!

Tante tante grazieeeee querida Cocoooooo!!!

abrazos abrazos abrazos
Oooooohhhh noooooo J !!!!!

I'll help you to recover all Fanny music, film, pics !!!

I can't find the complete program of Vivement Dimanche where Fanny was in 2002!

Besitos and courage!!
Coco dijo…
Ca y est alors Mily, je m'engage! ;)
J'y mettrais un peu de temps mais j'y arriverai! :D

Oh my J I'm sorry 4 ur files perdus... moi aussi j'ai eu le meme problème et j'étais fachée mais d'une force!!! Cherche à reparer le portable... in Paris I saved my notebook with chronopost, they did the miracle!!!! :D
good luck, i cross my fingers...

bizzzzz ardanticos!!! :) ***** Et commencez à collectionner les reves pour la prochaine mission!!!
Lisa dijo…
Ohhh, Jerocca!!! That's terrible. I know how you feel because such things have happened to me too in the past. I hope it's repairable!!

Coco... did you just say that you're gonna write the subs yourself?! Oui, je sais que italien est ta langue, mais c'est un travaille enorme..!! :) I watched the movie sans sous-titres, but I got good explanations from my friend...

Et j'ai un noveau rêve... comme un petit film: I saw Fanny walking on a beach with a girl; they were hungry but there was no restaurant in sight. They said that they must wait for a cruise ship... And the ship came, but as they weren't regular passengers, they shouldn't be allowed on board, and they knew this. Fanny asked the girl to invent a story (i.e. to lie) so that the captain would let them come. The girl said something to the captain, who instantly invited them to have dinner with him on board. Then they were going to change clothes for dinner (don't ask me where their luggage came from, but hey, it's a dream...) and Fanny said: "I want to pretend that I am someone I'm not; I will be Silvia!"... And then she looked exactly like in "L'odore del sangue" (beautiful). Now they were going to dinner, and they walked past a library, where they saw Emmanuelle Béart in a red dress, but not the same as in "Nathalie"... And that was it.
That's the 5th time I've dreamed about her! Mais deux rêves seulement dans la collection de Lili:
By the way, Lili is a busy girl... haven't heard anything from her in such a long time!

But now another thing... Excusez-moi, mes amies, but we all know that I'm a bit of a computer idiot, so let me ask something... Can anyone explain why it happens that sometimes the sound seems to disappear from the internet? That is, there's nothing wrong with my computer (the sound IS working; I just played a cd to make sure!), but I can't hear anything that's on anyone's blog, I can't hear YouTube... I watched YouTube last night, it was fine... but the day before and today, nothing. Is it normal? I don't understand.......
Lisaaaa!!! the girl on a beach with Fanny are you?

Me too, sometimes the sound seems to disappear and sometimes, I can't watch some videos. I close the browser (for example Firefox) and I open others browsers (for example Internet Explorer or Chrome, etc) or I reboot my PC.

The computers are crazy!! Terminator Rebelion has arrived!

Chuik chuik!
Lisa dijo…
Ah, no, I wish... but I didn't participate in the dream, I was only a spectator. Still, nice to dream...

Yes, you are right, Mily -- the computers are crazy. NOW I have watched the video. This woman sings so beautifully.

We had a deer in our garden tonight. :) (Un venado?) Tried to take a photo but it didn't turn out so good.
Lisa dijo…
P.S. I will watch "L'ora di punta" now... :) Still without subtitles... :)

Maléfica. dijo…
ooohhh que biiiennn, llevaba mucho tiempo queriendo ver este video! la ardant guapisima como siempre!!!

Mily, me debes un email!

Lisa dijo…
P.S. again, sorry... ;)
I was wrong - luckliy - the movie has English subtitles! I'm so happy because I could understand everything this time. :)
I love Fanny in this movie!! And as in so many other cases, her character was far too good for this man.
Dear Lisaaaa!!

A deer in your garden???? My God !!! What a Beauty !!!! Here, in my small garden of my balcony, only there are gnats, jeje!

Please, send me a photo for to be more happy!

Aaahhh with subtitles in english? What a lucky!!

miauuuu, I haven't any subtitles... I'm crying, I'm crying, I'm crying !!!

Querida Maléfica!!

¿Te gusta Sylvie Brunet como cantante lírica?

Uy, ese "me debes un mail!!" me sonó a ultimatum. Agggghhhh!!! sí querida, pronta respuesta! jeje

Besitos desde la Argentina!! ;)
Maléfica. dijo…
Sí, canta bien, aunque hay muchas mejores!

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