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"Cendres et Sang" - Estreno 9 de Septiembre de 2009 - Trailer

Paulo Branco Présente
Agradecimientos a Ardant Group


Lisa dijo…
Oh, how I would love to watch this film! If I could go to France... Actually, my grandmother will be in France in September. I'd like to tell her to go watch this one... but I don't really think she's interested like we are!!
Elsa dijo…
Ouahhhh je vais le voir dès sa sortie^^
jasmine dijo…
Ah have the perfect excuse to go to France, no? Tho it would only be worth it to see Fanny in person...ah the image...! How lovely it would be. I'm going to answer your email very soon....Love
Lisa, It would be super that your grandmother went to the cinema and then she could tell you all about Cendres et Sang.

Please Elsa, if you go to the cinema tell us all about Fanny's film ;D

Jasmine, why don't we go to the Paris now?

Love for all ardantes!
Lisa dijo…
Oui, Mily, je suis d'accord!
I agree with Mily, why don't we all go to Paris now!! Vamos a París ahora! :)
(La semaine dernière, j'ai commencé mon cours de français à l'université!!!)

I know, Jasmine, I have been thinking about it - very much! - and my grandmother would like me to come... aah, but no... If I thought that I could see Fanny in person, I would go tomorrow!
(Thank you dear friend for the book!!!)

But yes, I will write an email to my grandmother and tell her to go to the cinema if she has the opportunity!

Elsa va venir ici dans le blog pour nous raconter tout de ce film, non?! ;)

Besitos! :)
jasmine dijo…
Oh you see how you end your notes, in Spanish...I can't bear it! I am so jealous of you all speaking more than one language. Oh well, I will adjust since you are all also willing to share some translations with me...which I love you for...ah Mily if only...imagine having wine at a cafe, walking through the book stalls on the left bank, just breathing the air Fanny breathes (if she's ever there!)...we are so agreeable! That's why I love you all...where is Thais????
Jerocca dijo…

New trailer of visage/face
with Chinese title

more fa


Jerocca dijo…

New trailer of visage/face
with Chinese title

more fa


Dear J

1000 thanks for the link !! Can I send this link to ArdantGroup?

Lisa dijo…
I understand your feelings, Jasmine. Sometimes, this blog has Italian visitors, and I don't understand much of that... but I take the opportunity to write some things in French if a French speaking person shows up... Luckily most of us speak English! I mix both English, Spanish and French sometimes when I write to Mily. And I remember once when we talked about languages, I taught these girls some words in Swedish, and Jerocca shared her beautiful Chinese! "Abrazo" means "hug" in Spanish, and "besitos" means "little kisses"...

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