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Fanny Ardant en "Atmosphères"

Fanny Ardant aparece en magazine "Atmosphères" número 131 del 28 de agosto de 2009


Jerocca dijo…
the second page is my favorite ( of these three )
Yes, the same for me, the fanny's face superbe !

I get only the three pages in small size. I can't get the real magazine, ooohhh what a pity !!
Jerocca dijo…
yes yes...

try to google this magazine
no website ( not found yet?)


"Atmosphère "or "Atmosphère Côté Femme " really?


we can buy the ticket of " visage " from net now. (even thought the release day is change from 9/28 to 10/2 now)

love uuuuuuuuu
Lisa dijo…
Jerocca: How great that you can get tickets now! ^^

Mily: Oh how I'd like to read this magazine! Is it a weekly or monthly magazine? I wonder if it's still availabe, as it's from August.... I will at least ask my grandmother if she can find it! If so, that will be the first time I read about Fanny on paper and not the internet..... Too bad the pages are too small to read - but it's wonderful anyway that you've found it.

Lisa: I think that this magazine is monthly magazine. This month, august to september the cover is Fanny Ardant...

This is the link that I used for the photos:

Please click in FEUILLETER CE MAGAZINE !!!!!!

Jerocca dijo… friends

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