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Fanny Ardant en "Thé ou Café" (5 partes)

Fanny Ardant invitada en el programa "Thé ou Café" conducido por Catherine Ceylac, en ocasión del estreno de su primer film como realizadora "Cendres et Sang", el miércoles 9 de septiembre de 2009. Buena Suerte Querida Fanny Ardant.

Agradecimientos muy especiales a Ardant Group

Merci pour l'info a Elsa Mathey


Lisa dijo…
Oohh...!! How wonderful she is. Her smile!!!

I did not understand all of this, far from all (ah, when will I learn le français for real?!) but at least some things. I wish there was a translation... I will only ask a couple of questions...

1. The last minutes of the first part (right after Maria Callas), they talk about music. I would like to know what Fanny says there...
2. I don't understand why the woman leaves the table for a minute?
3. What is the silent guy doing there?

I will watch this again...

I understood very little. I only watched how she spoke and her gestures, the hair, the eyes, the hands, the clothes, the teeth, how she walks. Somebody that speaks in French can help us...

It is necessary to sharpen the ear and to listen again

If somebody can write this interview or something...

Chuiks for all ♥
Lisa dijo…
Oui Mily, tu as raison. It is not easy to concentrate on what they say, when Fanny is so lovely to watch. I don't understand how the persons interviewing her are able to speak and think at all.....

Yes, if "somebody" could write at least parts of it... Où est notre chère Lili? ;) Maybe your friend Elsa can help us...?
jasmine dijo…
We are so alike...that's exactly what I do when Fanny is "on"...of course I hear her voice, but it is her gestures, her smile, her eyes, the tilt of her head, the intake of her breath when she responds. Do you suppose there is anyone else like her? No one has intrigued me this much, ever!!! So life has taken a lovely turn...thanks to you Mily for having this grand place to be, and Lisa and Jerocca for loving Fanny as much as I do (so I don't feel at all foolish)...but where is Thais???? Loving you all...
Jerocca dijo…

dream about Diva last night...
bravo those mv

no one will like FAAAAAAAAAAAA
She's the one

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