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Fanny Ardant Exclusiva...

Merci a Mikilapeche


Luego de ver este video, me quedan varias sensaciones. Ver a Fanny me produjo risa, risa por los nervios y luego cariño. Miré el video rápidamente y me dio una felicidad enorme, mariposas en la panza. Luego lo vi nuevamente y comencé a ver los detalles. La ropa de Fanny, los zapatos, a Thais, la cartera, los ojos, el pelo, la postura y los gestos de la divina. Me di cuenta de cuándo usó este saquito, cuándo la cartera, cuándo estos zapatos, todas las veces que vi a Thais junto a ella, etc. No sé, me quedé con la sensación de que la gente que estaba allí, la apabulló. Agg, me encanta cada día más...
jasmine dijo…
How remarkably polite she's rather wonderful that she is able to remain cool. Only I wish i were there. So we all know her dog now...a charmer and she did said "Thais". Thank you again dearest Mily, this was one of the best. Love you all...
Lisa dijo…
Oh, she is so wonderful. I can even imagine what it must feel like, to have people all around who says "Fanny, Fanny, Fanny..." she smiles so sweetly and writes autographs...
Yes, her face seemed afraid, no?
Jerocca dijo…

I miss tomato badlky...since last sat ( Fa seems still not "used" to crazy fans around her...).keep crying when I think about him....

love you all and tks for cares
jasmine dijo…
Oh it's hard seeing Fanny's dog and just losing your own sweet Tomato (I would love to see a picture of him Jerocca if you have one)...I agree with Mily, there is definitely a little tension in her face. I think she was surprised. I was really irritated by one young man who tried to hold her back. That's not a good move. My past work put me in the position of being with well-known people like Sophia Loren who were deluged with people. She was remarkable and held herself in such a way, people never touched her. But she remained aloof, not as friendly or sweet as Fanny. However, she was a warm, gracious person (Sophia). I think Fanny would rather be able to walk about without being disturbed but accepts her celebrity. Whew....Love you all...still love this video because it is so much more intimate than more formal interviews. Here is is just herself.
There were several guys that were on her back. Some fans and one men seemed guide her towards the studio. Oh yes, I was irritated by fans, boys were by her side obliging her to stop. When I see Fanny, I feel that I am she... I identify with her.
Yes, she is an artist and you know how an artist are behaving, particularly celebrities. And Fanny is very sweet, no?.
Chuiks my friend !!
jasmine dijo…
Oh, yes, Mily...Fanny is sweet. There is definitely an aura about her and we agree, these boys should not have entered her space so rudely. There were women there too, but they only photographed her, not quite the same. I still love the way she looks at them. I know what you mean about identifying with her...I'm not sure I feel that, but close to it...seeing things through her eyes perhaps. I woke up too early this morning so I'm a little groggy and I'm going to get myself a delicious cup of Colombian there an Argentinian brand I should try??? Love and warm hug...
Here one link with argentines brands of coffee:

I'm groggy too this morning but I wope up 10 a.m... jeje

Lisa dijo…
We feel strongly about how to behave in the nearness of Fanny; maybe we are a group of fans she would enjoy to meet....
(here I go dreaming again...)

Great coffee link, Mily! :)
jasmine dijo…
Yes, I agree with you Mily and Lisa...about how we would behave. But we have class, no? don't think I would demean myself or Fanny. I have too much respect for her work and her space. I have a couple of theories to share: 1) her dog. A West Highland White Terrier is known for its feistiness, its aloofness, its independence, very much like a Scottie.Bases on the idea that people own dogs that are similar in personality to themselves, it would suit her to have this kind of dog. I had a wonderful little Westie that I bought at Harrod's in London, and he was a scrappy, nutty little dog. As he matured he calmed down. However, he drove my Dobie crazy..she was sweet and elegant and he used to take her lip and shake it, growling all the time. She would hold him down with one paw and look at me pleadingly. It broke my heart so I gave the Westie to a good friend. Now, I think, if ever I got another dog, I guess I'd have to get a Westie because of Fanny. Crazy huh? So that's theory number one. Second, if you enlarge the great picture that was taken in Strasborg, print it (or not), take a sheet of paper and place it over one half of her face and see the difference. One the left (her right) she is very gentle and sweet looking, on the right (her left) she is darker, more aware, not sweet, more sultry. Interesting study was done on this once and I had to do some kind of paper on it in college. I have to go back and remind myself of the outcomes. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. I am excited about finding out about Argentinian coffee....hope I can get it here. If not, I may splurge and order some online. Now Mily, I must tell you 10 a.m. is too've got to get yourself moving....probably I say that because it's been years since I've been able to sleep late...I think it's a youth thing...I do love you so please sleep as long as you like...
Jerocca dijo…

Today finally I can talk " tomato" with my family...and we might wanna have a puppy afterwhile ( in respect of tomato...we can in a rush) n dream Tomato in night before yesterdqay's ( he's the same .when I gavce him a hug.he usual...when he's too excited or nervous) funny,right ^^

Jasmine n all ardantes

I can understand those people who around FA ,they must too excited to watch their manner .and FA must know she treat them back with smile ( actually a little...serious in side) and of course I would like to have West Highland White Terrier as FA but it's better to have puppy in common ( then the Dr would know how to treat them well as my sis said...she's a dog lover...very serious )....well I guess we got to have a dog with tomato's eyes

Love you back ( no more tears since yesterday)n watch " hello goodbye' with Chinese sub,superb
Dear Girls !!!!!

Today I participated in Chat with Fanny Ardant organized by Liberation of France. I made three questions in French and one last in Spanish. This night I am going to publish this chat in the blog.

Aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh !!

She answered me in spanish !!! aaaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa

Chuiks Ardantes for You Dear Ardantes !!
jasmine dijo…
Omigod did you do this? How did this come about? I can't wait to hear from much love goes out....
Today, the newspaper "Libération" organized a chat with Fanny. And voilà I can to ask her 4 questions. The last in spanish.
Pum pum my heart... Today is for me an special day.
jasmine dijo…
I would say it is definitely a special day for you and all of us as we live through you. What a grand thing to do!!! I wish I could do the same...but alas no one here even thinks of this kind of an idea. I can't understand why. I would even learn to Twitter if I thought there would be a way to send her a message. Ah heart beats with yours...
Lisa dijo…
You know, my jaws dropped and I'm just... amazed...
Wow, that is fantastic!!
Oh my god, that you got a chance to chat with Fanny Ardant...!!
Oh, you must be so happy right now! And I'm very happy for you! :)
Dear Lisaaaaa!!!!

I'm veryyyyyy happyyyyyy !!!!

Yesterday I shouted like a crazy !!!

I thought that Fanny was behind the machine...

Super. This experience is for me unforgettable !!

I'll try to translate complete this chat, no?

Un abrazote ardante !!
Jerocca dijo…

answered our pray finally

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