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La frase del día...

La frase del día de Fanny Ardant aparecida en magazine "Gala" de Francia
"Je n'aurais pas aimé tenir un restaurant ou une librairie"


jasmine dijo…
I really tried to translate this quote, I really did!!!! But it comes out so strange. What is she saying? That she would rather be in a bookstore than a restaurant??? Me too, but a restaurant with a library isn't so bad. help???????
Fanny said "I would not have a restaurant or a bookshop"

Besitos for Dear Ardantes!
jasmine dijo…
Mily, thank you. I'm sort of sorry she wouldn't want a's to me the ultimate. I live with hundreds if not thousands of books now, so I am addicted to the printed word. I also forgot to say thank you for all of these treasures, Fanny gorgeous face and her melodious voice...Everytime I see a new picture or hear a new recording (I always want to tell the interviewer to shut up and let Fanny talk)...I audibly gasp! It is as always a great joy....
Dear friend Jasmine!

Thanks for you, for to be with me in this beautiful aventure that the life is... near Fanny Ardant!

For a lot of melodious voice of Fanny Ardant ♥ !!!!

Lisa dijo…
... But why wouldn't she want that? (I'm guessing: because she doesn't like to cook... and she wouldn't want to sell books, she wants to keep them!...) I remember reading in an interview that she said that if she had to change career, she would want to be a hairdresser...
Lisitaaa !!

UF what horrible... it is very boring be hairdresser... jajaja!! but Fanny has surprises

Thank you for the translation of Fanny, with videos you learn much le français.

You get the magazine Atmosphères???

Lisa dijo…
Yes, it is veeery boring to be a hairdresser... ask my sister; she has done that for a couple of years but now she's studying to become some kind of engineer instead!

Oui, j'apprends le français, I'm very happy!!

And... yes! I just got an email from my grandmother in France, she writes to me: "Fanny est dans ma valise" -- I guess that means that she found the magazine for me! For US, I mean!!! (So, mi abuela is now one of our agents....!) But she won't come home until the end of September or early October, so we will have to wait.
Ooohh wonderful, your grandmother is a SUPER GRANDMOTHER, DIVINA !!!

I imagine if my grandmother tell me to have Fanny for me dans her valise, I think I would be very happy to have this grandmother. She is a grandmother very accomplice, she's kind person, no?

Adorable !!

Sííí, we have a new luxury agent !!! a new ardante agent for our group ARDANTES !!!! Number 8?

Besitos !!!!

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