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And now who help us????

Help help dear Bob !!!!

Quiero morder a alguien, jajajaja!
jasmine dijo…
Lisa and Mily why gasping? Personally I like her less obviously sexy cause she doesn't need to be seductive...she IS seductive. And she's more appealing when she's biting a fingernail....but who am I to say what it is about this woman that is so glorious? And I love the news from Jerocca about Fanny's makeup and food tastes and simply the quality of the woman herself. It's great fun to read. Do I sound like an old prude? Well, if so, this old prude adores her dear friends...
I love this phrase dear Jasmine:

"she IS seductive. And she's more appealing when she's biting a fingernail..."

but any suggestions are very welcome

No no no my friend... you aren't an old prude, you are a talented woman that loves seductive women...

The man and the woman watch different. the women we watched otherwise, we did not need the exhibition or the nakedness, other things seduce the woman… something more suggestive...

1000 ♥ for you
jasmine dijo…
Oh absolutely, darling Mily. You understand perfectly what I said. True, men look for more surface sexuality, women know what is underneath the surface and THAT is what moves us. Wow. I love that you understand...I think Lisa would agree too....
Lisa dijo…
Yes, of course I do, Jasmine! It is true...

I was just being a little silly! That's allowed sometimes, right? ;)

But yes; those stories from real life are more alluring than anything!

jasmine dijo…
Oh Lisa, I'm the one that is continuously GASPING over one photo or another, so I was teasing you a bit.... you have every right to's nice and so totally is lovely...

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