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Foto de 36º en Buenos Aires...

Divina Fanny Ardant


Justement aujourd'hui il fait 36º en Buenos Aires, uf
Lisa dijo…
... Et avec ce photo, tu oublies le "uf" pour des beaux rêves, non?! Tu peux aussi penser à moi et tout le neige en Suède; il fait si froid que ton souffle se transforme en givre : si ton souffle tombe sur tes cheveaux, ils deviennent tout blanc... Le vent glacial griffe tes joues, et quand tu t’es promenée trente minutes sur les diamants écrasés – c’est-à-dire, le neige – tu ne vas plus sentir tes doigts de pied, malgré tes chaussures solides avec pleines de chaussettes ! Il y a aussi quelques endroits qui ont panne de courant à cause de la froide... Bon, maintenant j’ai fait mon mieux de jeter un peu de froid ! ;)

Justement aujourd'hui il fait - 23ºC ici! Donc, j'ai vraiment besoin d'un beau photo.... merci mon amie !

Funny, eh, how we experience the opposites and yet we seek the same comfort! ;)
Lisa dijo…
P.S. Yesterday I rediscovered your VERY BIG picture of Fanny. That's a good one! :)
jasmine dijo…
Okay women, now you have to tell me what you are talking about....the picture is beautiful but I still love Fanny when her face shows
character...what Very Big picture???? I am eagerly awaiting your response...I will love you anyway...whatever you must be kind...
Here, the news says that Europe is covered in snow. Temperatures are from -23ºC to -40ºC and here is 36ºC. Tottally opposite. And Lisa says that this image aid to live with this great cold. The cold makes air become in ice in their breathing... Here, people are on the beaches, with the body of the sea. Today in Buenos Aires it's 36ºC...
Kisses with 36ºC
Lisa dijo…
Sorry Jasmine dear, it was just that as Mily wrote in French about the temperature in Buenos Aires, I couldn't resist commenting in French. I was just saying that "with this photo you forget the heat for sweet dreams, don't you? You could also think of me and all the snow in Sweden; it is so cold that your breath becomes frost and if it falls on your hair it becomes white. The ice cold wind scratches your cheeks, and when you've walked 30 minutes on the crushed diamonds - i.e. the snow - you'll no longer feel your toes, despite your solide shoes and many socks! And in fact, in some places there is power failure because of the cold..." Luckily, I don't live there, with the most terrible cold!! Today we have -19º so it's getting better. And of course, it's worse in other countries, where it is warmer perhaps, but they are not used to having this much snow, but it's normal for us. The temperature isn't unnatural either, the unusual thing is that it has lasted this long.)

Oh, to be on a beach! Wonderful...

The Very Big picture I was talking about is the one that is too big for the screen:
jasmine dijo…
Oh you darling persons...okay thank you for this...but you know Lisa...your description of the cold is so makes me want to be there. Isn't that something? It's cold here too but not intolerable. I love what you wrote. Love you too...

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