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Fanny Ardant en el II Festival de Teatro de Nápoles, entre el 4 y 28 de junio

Según la Prensa Internacional, Fanny Ardant estará presente en el II Festival de Teatro de Nápoles con "Music-Hall" bajo la dirección de Lambert Wilson. El Festival llega a su segunda edición, entre los días 4 y 28 de junio de 2009 en esta ciudad de Italia y sus lugares más emblemáticos. Se presentarán cuarenta montajes teatrales, de los cuales 28 verán por primera vez la luz en este certamen. Habrá más información.
Fuente ADN España


Queridas Ardantes!

Anoche soñé nuevamente con Fanny Ardant. Ella me estaba esperando en un Salón de un viejo Teatro y yo lograba mi primer reportaje exclusivo.

Recuerdo que la primera pregunta que le hice fue:

¿Es Usted una Actriz Clásica?

Me contestó todas las preguntas y luego se transformó en una Estatua que caminaba...

La miré hasta que desapareció y seguí con mi vida como si nada.

Qué sueño tuve!
Anónimo dijo…
Jajajaja, los suenos ardantesquos de Mily! Il faudrait les recueillir tous et les donner à Fanny... peut-etrequ'elle aussi reve de nous... pouvoir inimaginable de la tete humaine!! :D
La noticia del festival a Napoli è GRANDIOSA!!!! :D Jo tiengo mi familia en napoli, yo soy de napoli et meme si je travaille à paris, je me renseignerai comme une folle pour savoir la date exacte le plus tot possibile et pour y etre !!! :D

GOOD NEWSSSSSS, BRAVO agente n.1, t tjs la meilleure! Waiting for for printemps in paris :o

^^ Besos donzelle ardanti!
Ciaoooo Mme Cocooo!


Mis sueños ardantescos sempre sont "rêves classiques" avec style Ardant! Nada es grosero!

Oui, avec nos rêves, peut-etre qu'elle aussi reve de nous, jeje! Never... Nous sommes pour elle la bête noire! jiji

Oui, je sais que tu es de Naples amie. Vais-tu aller au festival?... Mmm... nouvelle mission?

Ciao Bambina!
Anónimo dijo…
Dear All

seems you all dream about FA recently ( and Lisa also)but not me

well still can satisfied myself with your sharing anyway

With Love

ps...special tks to Cocoette the translation of mv .air kiss

Is the pic taken " near " me???
Lisa dijo…
Mmm... nouvelle mission? I like that thougth! Go, Coco! :)

Moi aussi j'ai rêvé de Fanny encore une fois... elle est dans nos rêves pour toujours, non?!

Mi sueño: Je suis avec des amies qui aiment bcp Fanny [c'est vous, peut-être?] sous une parapluie rouge et très grande. Et Fanny est là et elle a un livre; elle lit pour nous! (Elle lit pour nous avec sa voix magnifque... quelle rêve!!) Mais il y a aussi des autres jeunes femmes [les filles de Fanny?], parce que c'est une parapluie vraiment grande... et elles disent qu'il faut que nous partions. Elles ne veulent que nous, moi et mes amies, restions avec la divina Fanny sous la parapluie rouge... :(

Coco, tu crois qu'elle rêve de nous... oui, peut-être *lol* (Maybe we dream so much that she will feel it in her sleep and start dreaming of us too! :) Then, if she would like to have such dreams or not.... who knows! As long as it is not un cauchemar...)

Printemps in Paris... that's something I dream of! :)
Jasmine dijo…
Ah Mily...thank you for posting great pictures of Fanny...has anyone analyzed why she is so appealing? Other than her beauty?
Hii Dear Jasmine!!!

What a pleasant that you are here!!!

Welcome to the Group of "Les Ardantes"!!

I think that Fanny is so appealing because for me when she saw her was "love at first sight". Then I knew her life,I fell in love every day more and more! Her energy, very misterious, something enigmatic, her passion, her passion, my identification with her.

What do you think about Fanny is so appealing?

I'm very enchanted because you are in my blog! Thanks!

Abrazos y Bienvenida!
Dear Lisa!

I didn't know of this dream!... Beautiful dream, wonderful! Very interesting, very psychological. De toutes façon, the red color is passion and we are under the passion of Fanny...

Me fascinó tu sueño!! Es hermoso!
Dear J!

If you understand in italian? or french?

Jasmine dijo…
For me it is allowing herself to take risks, to be vulnerable, to look so uncertain one moment, and so confident the next. It is her intelligence and I agree wholeheartedly with you, her passion all add to her appeal. How nice it is to share these thoughts with you.

Hi !!

Her elegance, her charm, her sweetness, her beauty...

Yes, it's very very nice to share these thoughts with you.

Lisa dijo…
Hello Jasmine, yes, I have spent some time thinking about why Fanny is so appealing! I agree with what you and Mily said. It is not only her beauty - she really is the most beautiful woman in the world - elegance and charm... it's her integrity, her intelligence, her passion for such things as literature and music, and her talent in so many areas... it is the things she says and how she says them (according to interviews I mean!), and her wonderful voice, and her ability to portray for us all these strong and vulnerable characters in such a way that we really believe in what we see...
And another reason why I love her is that she is just so incredibly inspiring. She has made me want to improve my French! :)
Oh, there is so much to be said about Fanny, so much... (in fact, I'll make a post about it in my blog! I'll tell you girls when I'm finished...)

Mily dear, thanks for that interpretation of my dream. Yes, of course, red = passion! :))
Dear Lisaa!

Now, I saw the summary of the european football and I saw Sweden vs Portugal and I remembered you and that Sweden is our colour's Father!! (Boca Juniors) Superbe superbe!!! Viva la Dear Suecia!!!

Jajaja! We would have to compile our dreams with Fanny!!

I don't watch again "L'Odore del Sangue" again!! I haven't subtitles! Help Help !!!

Chuiks my friend and for Divin Bob!!
Cocottx dijo…
Bonjour les filles... j'ai été à Naples pour quelques jors pour voir ma famille, mais pas de news encore pr fanny in naples!!! :(
B't I will accomplish my mission... she will adore the divine naples! :D
Ma mily adorée, est-ce que t's besoin des subtitres du film l'odore del sangre? C bien ca?..

Bissssssssss aux ardantes reveuses de PARIS FINALLY IN PRINTEMPSSSSSSS :D ^^
Siii sii querida Cocooo!! STP as-tu les sous-titre de L'odore del Sangue en espagnol???

J'ai vu le film sans sous-titre, j'ai compris quelque chose mais j'ai perdu l'essence du film.

Please Cocooo help me help me!

Un abrazo fuerteeee y 1000gracias!
Jasmine dijo…
Mily, you are a dear person. Thank you for answering my email. Hope this now works well. I wanted to respond to Lisa and you to tell you how synchronistic (that's a good word for you to translate) this whole experience has been. I am once again a 14 year old girl with a passionate crush on Ingrid Bergman only now I'm considerably older and it is Fanny Ardant! Goodness what a shock, but what a joy! And you have given us this gift. Lisa, it just amazes me that there is someone else out there in the world who is reacting as I have, that is I, too, am totally taken by Fanny's intellect and her apparent shyness. Watching the videos gives so much insight into her character. And I would give anything to learn French. Oh well, some things one must set aside and just dwell on the more enchanting things. Again, Mily, you've brought this enchantment to my life. Thank you!
Ani dijo…
Hello girls, Jasmin!
What a nice words!
Estoy encantada de compartir este espacio con personas tan agradables, unidas por el mismo espíritu.

Besos Ardantes para todas!
Hola my dear friend Jasmine !!!

How I could explain you my emotions with your message???!! beautiful message, lovely woman you are... Thanks!!!

I swear you that I'm crying!!

You said me that we had the same Idols. Ingrid Bergman you say? I love with all my heart Ingrid Bergman and I watched almost all her films. I can't to watch "Bells of St. Mary's" but one of my favorite is "Joan of Arc". For me, Joan of Arc have Ingrid face...
The most beautiful woman in this world... Sorry Fanny!

I only want to say you that the english is little dificult for me, and for this reason is my delay in my answers to you but I'm enchanted with you and I say with my heart.

Thank you very much for existing!! ;)
jasmine dijo…
Oh Mily dear...I have so many stories about Ingrid Bergman and a little girl who grew up in NYC and got to meet her on matinee days when she was in Joan of Lorraine (yes your Joan of Arc). I think there is a similarity between Bergman and Ardant...both are honest, introspective performers. Both very vulnerable. A most touching characteristic. I have a lovely letter from her, which I'll try to share with you on email with a sweet photo. It's too long a story to take up all this space. Also Fanny's favorite film according to an article in your blog was "Barefoot Contessa". She must have loved Ava Gardner whom she resembles, don't you think? I talk too you for all this.
Lisa dijo…
Hi, Jasmine! Don't say you talk too much; that just means that we are two of a kind! ;) We all want to talk about Fanny and how she makes us feel (and especially if your passion for her is a new thing, it's most natural) and about other things she inspires us to think about! Literature? Other actresses? Anything... And our blogs are the places to do this!

And I know what you feel; for me, too, it has been an amazing experience to realise that there are other people out there who understand my thoughts and share them. Before I found Mily's blog, I didn't know anyone at all who even knew who Fanny is (muchas, muchas gracias, querida Mily, for creating this space for us!), but now it makes me so happy to be able to share my thoughts and feelings with so many people.

About Ingrid Bergman, I must confess that although I'm Swedish I'm not very familiar with her movies, but I agree that she is lovely. (And now that I think about it, I'm sure that if I had only known a little more when I was 14, I would most definitely have had an enormous crush on her!) Before Fanny, it was mostly Greta Garbo for me, but it's one of my little "projects" to become less ignorant when it comes to all the other classic movie stars... So I'll put "Barefoot Contessa" on my "To see -list"! A favourite film of Fanny, you say? Oh, there is always something new to learn; I love this.
Lisa dijo…
P.S. Mily, I never watch football, but I'm glad you think of me when you do! :)

I'll try to send something of Bob to you and Jerocca soon. :)


Fanny and Ingrid are very similar in certain spiritual beauty that I can grasp when seeing them. But they are very different too. Also, I love her love's history with Rossellini and I knew Isabella, the perfect combination between swedish beauty and the italian genius.
Of course, I want to see the letter of Ingrid and her photo, please!!!.

With respect Ava, Fanny Ardant, was inspired by Ava Gardner in John Huston's The Barefoot Contessa and by Cyd Charisse in The Band Wagon.

Here the link with this article:

I was watching photos of AVA, in Youtube are much videos with her films and I believe that... that... that... Ava is the mother of Fanny Ardant, hahaha!!
Yes, I believe that Fanny loves Ava!

Thanks for all to you!♥

Pleeease!! Jerocca et moi are fans of Bob!

Viva por Siempre the swedish flag, Ingrid Bergman and Bob!!!

Un abrazo XL
Jasmine dijo…
Hello dear so much I could add here to each of you. First Lisa, there is no one to match question. I was one of those New Yorkers who saw her on the streets twice. Once I tried following her but she disappeared into a drug store and that was it. About Ingrid, she was so very unique at a time when film stars were really unnatural--heavy makeup, odd hairstyles (though Louise Brooks was beautiful),skinny bodies. Bergman comes along and is stunning in her simplicity. She was large (by Hollywood standards) in that she was 5'9" (oh how I wanted to be that height! -- I only made it to 5'7"). My first haircut, on my own, without my mother, was "I want it cut like Ingrid Bergman" -- the barber had no idea what I was talking about. It was shorter but not really short. If you haven't seen her films, what I would suggest is to see the classic "Casablanca" then "Notorious", "Gaslight", and my favorite because of her look "For Whom the Bell Tolls". I worked in the movie industry for years and met Ingrid Thulin and Ulla Jacobson. I got to know Viveca Lindfors quite well for a number of years. So Swedish women are quite exciting. Thanks for making me feel better about going on and on. I sent the photo of Bergman to Mily I'd like to share it with you but don't know how to get it to you. And now Fanny Ardant. I agree with Mily that she could easily have been related to Ava. Ava was shorter by far and much of Fanny's charm is her marvelous height. Does that sound silly? She carries herself with such ease.
I'm so glad Mily has come into my life at this's like having permission to be myself. It's a great treasure.
Lisa dijo…
Hi Jasmine, how interesting to talk to you; I learn a lot! I mean, the actresses you mention; I’ve heard of them but couldn’t immediately place them so I had to google for some info. I always find it fascinating how some things are kind of… “latent knowledge”… like, you know, most Swedes can probably mention the title of an Ingmar Bergman movie or two, without necessarily having seen one! Well, I have seen… mostly fragments, but with a closer look I find that I have seen (parts of) two movies with Ingrid Thulin. But in my googling, it was Viveca Lindfors that caught my attention. (I rent movies online, but unfortunately they didn’t have many of her movies. Nor did they have very much of Ava Gardner – whom I also looked up after your previous message – I guess this is what I get for being young… and not all that interested in the actresses of my generation. (If I was, I would be able to find more movies so easily. And a French actress such as Fanny Ardant; it’s not at all easy to find her movies in Sweden!)
About Ingrid Bergman, I have seen the three first movies you mention (but each only once and over a period of five or six years; I don’t think that’s enough to have a very strong opinion! But I remember I really liked “Gaslight” which was the first one I watched; a late summer night when I was home alone). The one I watched most recently was “Notorious”, after I had my idea that I must watch more older movies. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is on my list. Then for some reason, there was always one or another other movie I “had to” see first…. (The next Fanny movie I’m about to watch is “Pédale douce”. Yes, Fanny's height is marvellous and is a part of her great beauty!) Anyway, I would very much like to see your photo if you’d like to send it to me ( I agree; much of Fanny’s charm is her height. How cool that you saw her twice! I reviewed a novel about her… but it wasn’t a good one.
Jasmine dijo…
It is so delightful to hear from you, Lisa...I will send you the photo of Bergman after I write this. I think you meant Garbo at the end of your note above. I saw her when she was quite old, so the excitement wasn't as vivid, but boy to see Garbo in person was marvelous! Have you read Mercedes De Acosta's "Here Lies the Heart"? It is all about her "relationships" with Garbo and Dietrich and others. It is probably very hard to find now. I haven't looked at Amazon. But now and then I find a copy and if I do,you will find it most interesting. I have always loved people who were much older than me, never interested in actors who were my age. And today, I am quite old, so that someone like Fanny is now a youngster at 60. That's why I am more attracted to her and Helen Mirren,because they are not as vapid as the younger people are, with a few exceptions. I watched the L Word and thought Karina Lombard is very exciting and she's quite young. So there are very few actors who have this great dramatic quality. I think Fanny Ardant is remarkable and works with great depth. I like Deneuve but not in the same way. Viveca by the way was really fantastic. She died a few years ago. Very strong woman, not easy to like, but super talent. She did Anastasia on Broadway (Bergman did it in film but was not as good, in my opinion, and it hurt Viveca greatly to have lost the part. Bergman won an Academy Award for her performance. I could go on and on, I will tire your poor eyes. But it's great fun. I just wrote Mily an email telling her that I had seen "L'Odore del Sangue" and really was uncomfortable with the sexuality especially in relation to Ardant. I guess it all seems to debase her and while I admire greatly her willingness to take such risks, it just made me cringe. But she is at the peak of her beauty in this film. Just looking at her was wonderful. I will leave now and send you picture. My best....
Anónimo dijo…
Hi Lisa and Mily...well I spent a restless night thinking about L'Odore del Sangue. Its violence and sexuality were disturbing but I wonder if the shocking aspect was important. I'm eager to hear what you think. I'm changing my viewpoint and once again have to praise Fanny for being so daring and doing films that many actors would not. Love you all
Jasmine dijo…
That was me above, I didn't sign out properly.
Hi dear Girls!!

For me "L'Odore del Sangue" was one the most important film of Fanny because she was in all the film, all time.. complete! but i watched Fanny without understanding film script, argument too much because was in italian... without subtitles in spanish...

Yo miré este film como si fuera una niña, sólo miré el rostro de Fanny, me quedé en sus gestos, en su mirada, y at the end, lloré mucho porque era very real her death...

It's a very complicated film...

Chuiks for all dear Girls Ardantes!
Jasmine! Oh, every day I'm more surprised with you, with our heroins. Yes, I love "For whom the bells tolls"... I love Ingrid haircut too and I love Helen Mirren and her "Prime Suspect" included...

I love:

Fanny Ardant
Juliette Binoche
Helen Mirren
Ingrid Bergman
Isabella Rossellini
Louis Brooks
Jane Birkin
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Isabelle Huppert...

Chuikssss my friend ardantes!!!
Jasmine dijo…
Oh you are really remarkable's true we do like the same people. I loved Mirren in Prime Suspect! I have to look up Charlotte Gainsbourg. You didn't mention Charlotte Rampling or Karina Lombard. Funny, Isabella Rosselini is so incredibly beautiful, but she lacks something and I don't quite know what it is. But her beauty is extraordinary. I have found some very interesting films that I've collected over the years. Have you heard of the Dutch film, actually in English, "Twice A Woman"? with Bibi Anderson? Do you have any memory of Alida Valli (she was to be the Italian Ingrid Bergman), Lucia Bose, Eleanora Rossi-Drago (these go way, way back). There are so many films I'd like to ask you about sometime. I'm reading as much as I can find on Argentina so that I will sound less stupid. You are so darling because you're such a new dimension to my days. As I said there are few people around me who have these interests. Love M (or should I sign off J? I selected Jasmine based on a character from my favorite play, Member of the Wedding. Her name was Frankie Addams and she decides in her adolescence to change it to the more sophisticated F. Jasmine Addams. I identified so much with Frankie and it was a wonderful play.
Aaahh Dear Frankie Addams or Jasmine!

I read that Carson McCullers was pioneer in subjects like homosexuality, racism, adultery.

"Member of the Wedding" was translate to the spanish like "Frankie y la Boda". I want to watch the film "Member of the Wedding" too, 1952? with Julie Harris?

Aha, I forgot Charlotte Rampling. Karina Lombard? Oh, wait me please... I want to read something about her...

Aaaahhh yes, she was in the staff of L Word… I did not watch this serie… Uuuuhhhh, first no coincidence!! hahaha!

Here the link with a video of "TWICE A WOMAN" with swedish actriz Bibi Andersson. It's original title was "Twee vrouwen" (1979). Is the love story about two women:

I want watch it.

Hasta muy pronto my dear friend Frankie or Jasmine!

Besos !!!
jasmine dijo…
I am all of them...dear will love Julie Harris in Member of the wedding. Yes, I adored the play and the movie. Ethel Waters is in it and Brandon's such a beautiful perfect theatre piece. You love writing, Carson McCullers has that wonderful American Southern voice. It's perfect. I remember so well the transition from adolesence to young adult. Awful. I was so miserable, I wanted to run and play the rest of my life but knew I had to grow up. Yuck. The film Twice A Woman is very good and Bibi Anderson is lovely in it. I didn't like the ending but we can't have everything. It mirrored an experience I had had with a much young woman. It did not make me happy. Karina Lombard appeared in the first season of the L Word and she is very sexy and provocative. But she was left out of the next season except for a brief return in a silly moment. I enjoyed the series. I may even have an extra copy of the first season. If I do I'll mail it to you. again, send your address. I hope I still have it. See how the world goes around? I'm off to sleep's quite late for me. Love...Jasmine (this name is far more exotic than I am).
Ohh, dear Jasmine!

Why the ending of Twice a Woman is bad? Tell me please... the women don't continue together?

And I remember a film that I love too much... "Dessert Heart" (1985) with Helen Shaver and Patricia Charbonneau. In 1959, professor Vivien Bell (Helen) from New York comes to Reno just to get a divorce from her husband. When she meets Cay Rivers (Patricia), she inmediately feels drawn to the young woman...

Super film, super romantic! beautiful love story!

Here a link with trailer:

I promiss you to watch L Word ! is right that Helen Shaver played in L Word?

A friend of mine have until the third season (L Word) and she said me if I wanted to watch the serie... I hope that she still has it!! hehe... If it isn't thus, I will say to you and send my address, please!

My friend likes Karina Lombard.

Lisa dijo…
Hello again!
I've been wanting to watch "Desert Hearts" for such a long time (it was one of the first movies I was told about with a lesbian theme...) but have never found it.

Yes Mily, watch The L Word :) I'm watching season six on YouTube right now (because we don't have the right channel on TV anymore). I really liked Karina Lombard in the first season, she was absolutely my favorite in the cast! (Then came Rachel Shelley...)

Oh, and Charlotte Rampling - yes, I like her! (So far I've only seen her in "Vers le Sud", "Swimming Pool" and "Angel".)

Dear Jasmine, thank you for the email! I'm about to answer...

Jasmine dijo…
You see, we are all connected by our attraction to strong and yet vulnerable women. How neat is that? I must say, again always based on my age maybe, that Desert Hearts was good and a great opening for gay films but it didn't have the power of other, more subtle films. Some point I will make a list. Twice a Woman ends with the young girl being killed. We're used to that kind of ending but it was still devastating. Same with the Deneuve film Les Voleurs. I liked Fire, Bobby's Girl. I enjoyed watching L Word but felt they went over the top sometimes. I think maybe I'm more a prude than not. I hate thinking that about myself and I'll regret saying it. I'm very excited about Europ wonderful reception for Obama and Michelle (I wish she was President but I love him) is he viewed in Sweden and Argentina??? Love you both...
Lisa dijo…
Yeah, that’s so neat! :) It’s great to have someone with knowledge around, please do make a list some day. I liked Fire too, but I haven’t seen the others you mention (except clips of Les Voleurs on YouTube. But speaking of Deneuve, I watched The Hunger, intrigued by the idea of a lesbian vampire who plays the piano… but I found it to be a huge disappointment for the most parts! Then I often find that not all gay films are that interesting after all… I agree that subtlety is good. But The L word became a great thing because: “lesbians on TV once a week?!? Wow..!” Not just one lesbian character for a few episodes of some tv series, but a lot of them..! Nice change to the old question about films: “Why Does the Lesbian Always Die?”. It’s the same with literature – or it was, at least, in older books. (Now, of course, it’s very different – which is good, but I still prefer [the older] not so “over the top” books. The combination “lesbian + really good writer” is oh-so-rare, but I’m always on the lookout for it.) If it’s a “whodunit”, the murderer is gay. Or in other books she kills herself. Or get killed. Or she ends up being miserable ever after, because the message was of course that lesbianism is evil and needs to be destroyed. In Swedish literature, there are very few exceptions to this rule, until the 1930’s. The first novel with a happier gay girl was the novella Charlie by Margareta Suber from 1932. It is about a young girl’s unrequited (because anything else would have been too controversial to write; there were still laws against these things until 1944) love for an older woman, but the main character remains confident and proud at the end. It has some elements in common with The Well of Loneliness, but there’s such a contrast in the tone of voice, there is a hopefulness in the ending. Oh, I will be quiet now, this is something I really could go on and on about! (I love to read, but I don’t often read autobiographical books or biographies, except books about my favourite writers. I haven’t read Here lies the heart, that you mentioned above, but I know of Mercedes de Acosta. I just tried to look it up; they don’t have it in my local library.)

Oh, Obama; yes, he seems to be popular in Sweden. I saw him on the news to night, with all the European leaders, and people cheering. It’s not like the local news paper talk a lot about American politics these days, but there were a lot of articles the months before and shortly after the election. First, it was the question “will it be Obama or Clinton?” and then, “what will he do when he becomes the president, how much will he really change?”, etc. Because in Sweden we already knew that you would have Obama for President. ;) That’s what it looked like from the way media reported from USA. There was talk also about the Republican candidates, but not as much, more like: “Surely, the Americans won’t elect a Republican this time! But what if they do… oh, no, they won’t!” And you didn’t… Now, everybody just sits back and waits to see if something interesting will happen in the world…. ;)

Something else I was thinking about earlier today when I was going to meet a friend at the train, was what you said about your reasons for choosing the nickname Jasmine – I mean the fact that there really is a strong reason. I remember when I was younger, I used to call myself Roxanne when I was on the internet, because as a teenager I kind of had a crush on Cyrano deBergerac. I identified with his loneliness and the fact that he was a poet… yet I chose the name Roxanne because, well, it’s a girl’s name, and I could never really decide if I wanted to be the poet or the one the poem was about – I kind of hoped both, I guess… But then, as a couple of years passed, I didn’t really feel like a “Roxanne” girl after all. I started thinking now that if I had to choose some kind of username for something that isn’t my real name, what would it be? My Live Journal username is Selma08, from one of my favourite writers, Selma Lagerlöf, but is there any fictional character that I feel a strong connection to today?.. I remembered: Lily Briscoe from To the Lighthouse (I’m very passionate about Virginia Woolf). I remember that I identified with her and her love for Mrs Ramsay (so here we’re talking kind of subtle, but really; Lily Briscoe is in love with her, I’m sure!) already when I first read the book at the age of 17, a few years before I thought of myself as a lesbian. I thought of Mrs Ramsay at that time as a woman I had deep and intense but unnamed, unspoken, feelings for. But Mrs Ramsay is of course as straight as a woman can get, which is – as I’ve realised the last couple of years – another reason for me to identify with poor Lily. (But of course I won’t start calling myself Lily in your blog, Mily, because we have already notre chère Lili!) OK, now; what I really was going to say was that the thought struck me: Has To the Lighthouse ever been made into a film?? Because if it hasn’t (and why shouldn’t it; it would be beautiful, and there’s already Orlando and Mrs Dalloway), I can totally see Fanny Ardant as Mrs Ramsay! I could possibly also see Charlotte Rampling in this role. But Fanny would be… she doesn’t at all look like the woman I first thought about when I read the book, but I can without much difficulty ignore that. Yes, I think it could be a lovely film. If it has been made, then I’m sure a remake with Fanny would be better than the original.

The longest comment ever...
Jasmine dijo…
Hi Dear Lisa and Mily...I have to digest all of this material -- it is wonderful to read and as I said you are a fine writer and it's obvious you are driven to write which is what will make you successful. I can't answer you quite yet about the books and films you mentioned because I have to think a bit and will make my own list and critiques. Funny, I love the name Lili (that film with leslie Caron was one of my very favorites -- I saw it 7 times and I was working at MGM at the time and she came into the office and I met this sweet person. but I was only l7 at the time. About The hunger, I remember a neat interview that Susan Sarandon gave when she was asked (another stupid question) "how did you feel about the love scene with Catherine Deneuve?" and her reply was "You know it wasn't so bad kissing Catherine Deneuve"....I loved her for that. I will get back to you with more either tonight or tomorrow. Til then, love M
Jasmine dijo…
Well, Lisa, I'm just responding to you in bits and pieces but I wanted to react to your love of Virginia Woolf. I too have always been fascinated with her and her relationship with Vita Sackville West and I've read so much about the Bloomsbury Group...I have so many books about these unique people. There was a television version of To the Lighthouse but I don't think you would have liked the casting. I didn't. Rosemary Harris was Mrs. Ramsey and Suzanne Bertish was Lily (I don't know her at all. I loved the film The Hours and like Alison Janney a lot. I was very disgusted that Nicole Kidman was cast as Virginia Woolf. Perfect person would have been Vanessa Redgrave.

Roxanne....once again we are have a serendipitous moment. I loved the name, I loved the play, outgrew it as you did. I used to ride horseback in Central Park when I was a child and young adult --guess what my horse's name was? Roxanne. A sweet bay mare. How I loved her. When I ultimately got my own horse, I named her Roxanne. It stills means a lot to me. Two other actors I like a lot are Emma Thompson and now the name of the other actor eludes me. She was in series on Masterpiece Theater here in the US but from the UK. Darn. It will come to me. By the way do you ever google the movie site IMDb? Try it. It is filled with every single film ever made, full casts, synopsis, the works. I love it.

Thank you for the super interviews with fanny. It gives so much dimension into her character. Take care and keep writing! Love M
jasmine dijo…
Hi Lisa again so soon. The name was looking for was Gina McKee. Lovely actress especially in The Forsythe Sagas series on Masterpiece. But no one we have named at all compares in complexity and beauty toFanny. What can we say? I wanted to also tell you that you really have a knack for film criticism and you should look into possibilities with film or other blogs. M
Lisa dijo…
Mily... many comments here, but now I've got to ask something. Jasmine writes above: "Also Fanny's favorite film according to an article in your blog was "Barefoot Contessa". ".... Which article is that? It would be interesting to read it. (I just watched said film...)
Dear Lisa,

I don't remember what article is. But there an article where Pascaline Chavanne mentioned something about this pic. She's a costume designer of 8 femmes.

Besos ;)
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